In recent years,with the popularity of smart phones,people gradually get rid of the on the desktop,notebook PC devices such as complete consumption,trade and payment behavior,but is gradually getting used to the mobile payment way.Especially since 2015,represented by alipay,weixin payment of third party payment quickly spread across the country,with the advent of qr code scan code to pay at the same time,people quickly accepted the new information technologies,and was attracted by its unique convenience,ease of use.But this new payment whether has been recognized by people and continue to use,is the factors affecting the demand for this payment ’willingness to continue to useBased on third party mobile payment will influence factors as the research object,the continuous use to technology acceptance theory,expectation confirmation theory and satisfaction theory as the theoretical basis,the construction of the third party mobile payment willingness to model the continuous use,and put forward relevant assumptions.In the hope to confirm,perceived usefulness,perceived ease of use,perceived entertainment,customer satisfaction,habits,subjective norms as independent variables,continuous use intention as the dependent variable.Through software and AMOS22.0 SPSS21.0 software to collect 282 valid network and paper questionnaire data analysis,obtained the influence of our country third party mobile payment users continue to use the will of the influencing factors as well as the relationship between various influencing factors.Main conclusions are as follows:(1)expected to confirm the dimensions of perceived performance(perceived usefulness,perceived ease of use and perceived entertainment)have significant positive influence on(2)expected confirmation has significant positive influence on customer satisfaction,(3)customer satisfaction has a significant positive effect on continuous use will(4)perceived usefulness,perceived ease of use has a significant positive effect on continuous use will(5)the habit of contributing factors for continued use will have a significant positive impact.Finally,according to the results of this research and the actual situation of the third party mobile payment,respectively from the influence of the will of users continue to use the four main influencing factors of perceived usefulness,perceived ease of use,habits,satisfaction marketing Suggestions,and sums up the research of this article is insufficient and future prospects. |