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Research On Influencing Factors Of Consumers’ Using Willingness To Mobile Payment

Posted on:2017-02-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M S JiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2359330518993359Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Mobile internet is gradually permeated various fields of people live,work,mobile payment as a new form of payment,further to break the limitation of time and space,profoundly changed the way information society of the social life,as long as there is a mobile phone can get to the internet,people can be anywhere at any time to complete the payment,shopping,etc.the realization of the mobile payment for information flow,cash flow,logistics flow efficiently,improve the efficiency of the economic activity,and decrease the const of the business and consumer.As an emerging industry,mobile payment industry in our country has a very good development prospects,but form the point of development phase,the mobile payment market in china is about to take off stage,itself has many problems,the market still needs to be improved.The explosive growth of mobile consumer demand,to promote the vigorous development of mobile payments,gradually by the attention of all parties in the world.Academic circles pay more and more attention to the study of mobile payment,domestic and foreign scholar on the research in the field of basic,most scholars focus on mobile payment of related industrial chain,business model and consumer awareness,etc.But throughout the domestic and foreign research in the field of mobile payment in nearly years.Breadth and the depth of both topic are slightly less than,for mobile payment industry development research and empirical research is very lack,related research remains to be further refinement,there is a big space for further research.Based on previous studies,with mobile payment development as the starting point to consumer demand as the starting point for impact factor analysis of the development of mobile payment in china and put forward feasible suggestions to the future development strategy.Based on a large number of literature analysis,this paper based on the UTAUT model,combined with "pay scenario" "perceived risk" "social influence" factors such as joint built "consumers use mobile payment will model",and makes an empirical analysis through the questionnaire survey data,reveals the factors involved in the above will have an effect on consumer purchase intention,the order in the order:performance exectations,perceived risk,pay scenario,social impact,the efforts of expectations,convenient conditions.In the process of analysis,the research on software AMOS21.0 SPSS20.0 and structure equation model as the main research tools,statistical analysis of data are described,reliability analysis,validity analysis,fit of the model of the whole analysis and hypothesis testing.
Keywords/Search Tags:mobile payment, intention to use, UTAUT model, structural equation model
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