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Research On Contract Coordination Of Loss Aversion Low Carbon Supply Chain Considering Sales Effort

Posted on:2020-01-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z YaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2439330590956764Subject:Technical Economics and Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years,it has become an indisputable fact that the excessive emission of carbon dioxide leads to global warming,which gradually aggravates the deterioration of the environment.Therefore,the international community is committed to improving the impact of global warming on the environment,and low-carbon economy theory emerges in this context.The emergence of low-carbon economy has brought profound influence to the traditional supply chain.On the one hand,facing the increasingly fierce competition environment,the decision makers hope to broaden the sales volume and enhance their competitiveness by improving the level of sales efforts.On the other hand,the uncertainty of market factors leads to a lot of risks for decision makers,and some decision makers show a risk-averse attitude.At the same time,decision makers need to consider low-carbon issues when making decisions.The above problems have a certain impact on the operation performance of the supply chain.Therefore,based on the background of low carbon,this paper introduces two behavioral factors,loss aversion and sales effort,into the research of supply chain management to discuss the influence of decision makers’ consideration of the combined effect of loss aversion and sales effort on the operation performance of low carbon supply chain.This paper is divided into five chapters.The first chapter analyzes the necessity of developing low-carbon economy and studying many behavioral preferences,puts forward the judgment of applying various behavioral factors to the operation of low-carbon supply chain,and then expounds the research content,research methods and innovation points of the paper.The second chapter introduces the theoretical basis of this paper and summarizes some important literatures at home and abroad.Thethird chapter studies the low carbon supply chain decision model considering sales effort and loss aversion.By building by price,levels and sales efforts to reduce emissions level decision of linear demand function,analyzed the sales efforts level coefficient and the degree of loss aversion under centralized and decentralized decision making model of market demand,the sales efforts,retail price,wholesale price,the influence of the retailers and manufacturers profit,to study the use of cost sharing revenue sharing contract to achieve supply chain coordination problem.In chapter 4,the optimal carbon emission reduction level,the optimal sales effort level,the optimal market demand,the optimal profit of retailers and manufacturers under the centralized and decentralized decision-making models are analyzed and solved by constructing the decision-making model of low-carbon supply chain.The profit before and after the cooperation between the retailer and the manufacturer is compared,and the profit after the cooperation is higher than that before the cooperation.Finally,the fifth chapter summarizes the whole text.
Keywords/Search Tags:low-carbon supply chain, sales effort, loss aversion, cost sharing and revenue sharing contract, two pricing contracts
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