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Research On Optimization Scheme Of Employee Incentive Mechanism In E Company

Posted on:2018-04-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z G ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2439330620453842Subject:(professional degree in business administration)
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the process of world economic integration and the arrival of the era of knowledge economy,enterprises are facing a complex business environment,market competition is becoming increasingly fierce.Human resources as the core competitiveness of enterprises,should be the concern and attention of enterprises,unreasonable human resources management mechanism will seriously affect and hinder the development of enterprises.Talent is very important for the survival and development of modern enterprises,excellent employees can make enterprises in the fierce market competition in an invincible position.However,many enterprises facing fo the excellent staff turnover difficulties.This shows that enterprises not only to attract talent is more important to retain talent,which highlights the importance of incentives for human resource management.This article embarks from the realistic background,proposes the research question of the article--E company staff incentive mechanism optimization research.In order to explore the research questions,we chose E company as the research object.Through the investigation and study of the system,we have grasped the overall situation,the specific process and the incentive mode of the E company’s employee motivation.In order to deepen the research of this paper,based on the previous work in our further use of the human resources department of E company and the internal employee survey,analysis of the main problems existing in the staff incentive mechanism of E company and give some suggestions for improvement according to the problems of our.Finally,the conclusions are as follows: the main problem of E company’s employee incentive mechanism is the incentive mechanism and employee demand deviation.Although E has a relatively mature incentive mechanism,incentive mechanism but not accurately grasp the actual needs of employees,employees are the most urgent incentive demands have not been met,resulting in large numbers of employees turnover and company personnel floating.This paper focused on the E company incentive mechanism lack of staff turnover rate is much higher than the normal level of this problem,by combining theory and actual root cause analysis of the problem,explore how to improve E company’s incentive mechanism,make it more reasonable and efficient.The research of this topic has profound practical significance for the stability and rapid development of E company,and also hope to provide a construction and improvement of efficient employee incentive mechanism.
Keywords/Search Tags:turnover rate, staff motivation, incentive mechanism
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