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Terrorist financing operations in Canada: Threats to the security of Canada posed by Al Qaeda and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam

Posted on:2007-01-13Degree:M.S.SType:Thesis
University:University of Calgary (Canada)Candidate:Romanick, DanielleFull Text:PDF
GTID:2446390005966147Subject:Canadian Studies
The fundraising activities conducted by the Tamil Tigers and Al Qaeda in Canada in support of their terror objectives threaten the security of Canada in a variety of ways: they jeopardize Canada's relations with other nations, cells and groups may be formed or maintained, the privacy and freedom of Canadian citizens may be eroded, coercion and violence intimidate and threaten the welfare of Canadians, fear is created in the population, criminal offences are committed against Canadian citizens and organizations, and the potential for Canadians victimized by terrorism at home or abroad may increase. This thesis is concerned with the threats posed to Canada by the aforementioned groups on a national basis, but also in relation to the personal security of Canadian citizens. It is hoped that if these threats are better understood by the public, they might better aid in detecting and reporting these activities to law enforcement or security officials.
Keywords/Search Tags:Canada, Security, Threats
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