Promoting team and individual learning for virtual teams through feedback |
Posted on:2007-05-19 | Degree:M.A | Type:Thesis |
University:Royal Roads University (Canada) | Candidate:Sherman, Lane Arthur | Full Text:PDF |
GTID:2449390005476113 | Subject:Business Administration |
Abstract/Summary: | |
This action research project, sponsored by and for the Royal Roads University (RRU) MBA Program, answers the research question; "What are the key elements required of a feedback process that will support enhanced team and individual learning related to working on virtual learner teams?"; Sub-questions of "What are the learner and program interests related to the feedback outcomes?" and "What was the learner experience of working with the existing feedback tools?" are also answered.; It was concluded that feedback plays a significant role in the learning related to working in teams and effective team performance. Other conclusions are that MBA learners support the use of feedback; learners wish to participate in a structured process; and feedback skills should be part of the training learners receive in the RRU MBA program.; This project makes recommendations for enhancing the team and individual learning through the use of feedback. |
Keywords/Search Tags: | Team and individual learning, Feedback, MBA, Program |
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