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Tribal Tectonics An Architecture of Cultural and Economic development in First Nations Communities

Posted on:2014-08-08Degree:M.ArchType:Thesis
University:Carleton University (Canada)Candidate:Bolduc, StephaneFull Text:PDF
First Nations peoples, native to the vast and diverse landscape we call Canada, have been forced to adapt to a modernized framework largely crafted by settlers of European descent. A slowly improving relationship between the Canadian government and Aboriginal peoples creates opportunities for a better future, and a better Canada. Many Aboriginal communities across the country are emerging as leaders of tomorrow, yet despite these positive signs of progress, many First Nations communities are still struggling to adapt. Architecture has strong potential to help improve lives, providing hope for a prosperous future; free of poverty, and rich in cultural integrity. The bond between architect and client forms the basis for design work to flourish in a manner which pertains to the specific needs of the community. It is through this reciprocal dialogue that answers may be uncovered, by which meaningful architecture can be realized.
Keywords/Search Tags:Architecture, Nations
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