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So, what can we do? We are coming here to work. Human security and the agricultural worker program (Mexico, canada)

Posted on:2006-08-20Degree:M.ScType:Thesis
University:University of Guelph (Canada)Candidate:Rocha Mier, Alejandra LeticiaFull Text:PDF
This thesis explores how the Seasonal Agricultural Worker Program impacts the various dimensions of "human security" of the life of Mexicans in Canada and in the community of Las Nubes in Mexico. Special attention is given to describe the perceptions of the Mexicans regarding the possibilities of whether they are able to transfer the technology that they learned in Canada to their communities of origin and to assess if the participation of Mexicans in the SAWP either promote, hinder, or is irrelevant to, development in Las Nubes.; Multiple methods were used to collect data. This research shows that the SAWP, rather than being a vehicle of technology transfer that benefits the communities of the Mexican migrant workers, is merely an opportunity for those Mexican farm workers to make remittances. The circular migration constitutes a survival practice that allows migrant farm workers the risk management of the conditions of human insecurity that they live with in Mexico. The survival strategy is compounded by a series of trade-offs of different levels of risks on the different dimensions of human security between Mexico and Canada.
Keywords/Search Tags:Human security, Mexico, Canada
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