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Undergraduate education and attitudes towards swine welfare

Posted on:2013-09-17Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:Iowa State UniversityCandidate:Petersen, Maureen KristelFull Text:PDF
How does training in animal science impact college student attitudes toward swine welfare? I devised an on-line survey of first year and senior students in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences to determine if year in school, major, and farm background was related to concerns about swine well-being. An index of concern was created and used to analyze the categorical swine welfare questions. Comparing animal science students entering and finishing at Iowa State University to the general population of College of Agriculture and Life Sciences students in the same years, I found that animal science majors were less concerned than all other College of Agriculture and Life Sciences majors about animal welfare (P <0.01). Gender and farm background were not related to concern for animal welfare.
Keywords/Search Tags:Welfare, Swine, Animal science, Life sciences, College
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