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Competition policy in countries of Central and Eastern Europe: Competition in Europe or competition for Europe (Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic)

Posted on:2005-01-06Degree:LL.MType:Thesis
University:McGill University (Canada)Candidate:Batagelj, LeonFull Text:PDF
Competition policy is an important tool for assurance of the efficient allocation of resources in functioning market economies. Applicability of modern competition policy to situations in former planned economies, however, raises doubts because of fundamentally different states of competition in such markets. This study analyses development of competition policy in Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic. Particular attention is given to the influence of the EU competition policy in the framework of negotiations for final membership in the EU.; This study proposes reassessment of the competition policy of the three countries in order to better tackle the economic complexities of transition to fully functioning market economies. Harmonization of competition policy of the three candidate countries for EU membership with competition policy of the EU assumes appropriateness of EU competition policy for transition situations. Contrary to this assumption, the thesis argues that competition policy in transition should be tailored closely to the needs of transition. Since harmonization of competition law is only an instrument to evaluate whether a candidate country has a functioning market economy that can be integrated in the EU Internal Market, competition policy aimed at better promoting competition should be welcomed.
Keywords/Search Tags:Competition policy, Functioning market economies, Czech republic, Countries, Europe
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