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Exploring the recent incidence variations of investigated child sexual abuse cases: Examining the impact of the screening process of reported cases to a child protective services agency

Posted on:2012-06-03Degree:M.S.WType:Thesis
University:McGill University (Canada)Candidate:Silva, DavidFull Text:PDF
GTID:2456390011450645Subject:Social work
The objective of this study was to examine the screening criteria for all reports of child sexual abuse received at a Montreal-based child protective services agency during a two-year period. A retrospective review of 303 files was conducted, analyzing information regarding 39 variables pertaining to three variable blocks: characteristics of the sexual abuse situation, of the report, and of the child and family. Bivariate analyses were carried out, followed by logistic regression analyses. Characteristics that increased the odds of screening in a report are: the presence of an adolescent or adult perpetrator, knowing the perpetrator's full name, their access to the child, police awareness of the situation, the presence of another protective concern, consulting with a manager, knowing the legal custody arrangement, and the number of siblings reported. Conversely, the longer a file remained open prior to making a decision significantly increased the odds of screening out a report.
Keywords/Search Tags:Screening, Sexual abuse, Child, Report, Protective
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