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Study On The Synthesis And Performance Of Associative Oil-soluble Drag Reducer

Posted on:2022-05-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y LuFull Text:PDF
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Pipeline transportation has now become the fifth largest transportation mode in the world after roads,railways,water transportation,and aviation.This infrastructure has been widely used,especially in industrial oil transportation,because of its low required investment,small area independent of geography,and climate and environmental friendliness.However,long-distance and large-diameter oil pipeline transportation suffers from large energy consumption.Additionally,long-term service pipelines have corroded and become inoperable,suffered safety accidents,and struggled to maintain the original oil delivery volume at the original design pressure without requiring increased pressure or other measures.At present,the "drag reduction and transmission increase technology" with the addition of drag reducers is used internationally to solve these problems.However,current commercial drag reducers are usually high-molecular-weight compounds,such as poly-a-olefins and polyisobutylene.Typically,the drag reduction rate(DR)increases with increasing molecular weight,so these drag reducers have high molecular weights of several million or more.However,in actual long-distance pipeline transportation,the transportation pressure is reduced owing to the accumulation of resistance along the pipeline,and a pressurisation method is required to maintain the pipeline transportation pressure.The high-molecular-weight drag reducer in the booster station is very susceptible to the shearing action of the booster impeller,causing irreversible bond breakage of the polymer,thereby greatly reducing the drag reduction rate,or even having no drag reduction effect.Therefore,refilling after the booster station is the only method that can be used in the practical application of long-distance pipeline transportation,that is,the station-station injection method.Therefore,the research and development of shear resistance drag reducers,which aims to minimise the number of station-to-station inputs to ensure the stability of oil pipelines and reduce transportation costs,has become a difficult,but popular topic in international research.In this paper,using K2S2O8-Na2SO3 as the redox initiation system,a hydrogenbond-association-based dodecyl methacrylate system associative anti-shear drag reducer was synthesised by standard emulsion polymerisation.The reaction process was simple and gentle as well as safe and stable.Molecular design was also performed using molecular dynamics simulation methods.Results of infrared spectroscopy,thermogravimetric analysis,differential scanning calorimetry,gel chromatography,and laser light scattering showed that the reaction polymerisation was relatively complete,the product was uniform,the molecular weight distribution was controllable,and the synthesised polymer had good flexibility.The donor lauryl methacrylate-styrenemethacrylic acid(LMA-St-MAA)and acceptor polymers LMA-St-dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate(DMA)had an intermolecular interaction force,that is,association,which increased the molecular cluster size of the associative system complex.The complex had good shear resistance,and the test results of the tube pump shear test showed that the synthesised associative oil-soluble polymer drag reduction system exhibited better drag reduction rate performance over repeated cycles.The research results provide a reference plan for minimising the number of station-to-station inputs,thereby ensuring the stability of oil pipelines and reducing transportation costs.
Keywords/Search Tags:Drag reducer, Associative effect, Drag reduction rate, Shear resistance
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