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Research On Paper-and-pencil Exam Proposition Based On Geographic Core Literacy Assessment

Posted on:2022-08-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y T HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2517306722487674Subject:Subject teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
At present,the cultivation of core literacy of disciplines has become a hot topic in education and teaching.In recent years,geographical examination questions have been continuously explored and improved around the cultivation of core literacy in the content and form of examination questions.However,there are still shortcomings in the context setting,question setting,answer and scoring standard setting.Under the current system of entering higher education,the reform of test propositions,especially the paper-based examination propositions of the national summative evaluation,has become the key to the cultivation of core literacy of the subject.It is significant to strengthen the construction of proposition ability,improve the quality of proposition,and promote the cultivation of core literacy of the subject through the guiding role of the national examination.This thesis focuses on the cultivation of the core literacy of the discipline and is composed of the following six chapters.The first chapter is the introduction,which introduces the research background and significance,expounds the research content and innovations,determines the research methods and technical routes,and lays a solid foundation for the writing.The second chapter is mainly about concepts and theoretical foundations.Based on existing literature and research,the concept and connotation of Geographic core literacy are analyzed hierarchically,and combined with the goals and requirements of the "China College Entrance Examination Evaluation System",making the "four-tier" examination content of the geographical examination clarified.In addition,considering that the comprehensive questions are more helpful to fully demonstrate the thinking process and performance of the respondents,the proposition research mainly takes the comprehensive question type as an example to illustrate the characteristics and significance of the situation creation,question setting,answer and scoring standard formulation of the test question structure.The third chapter is mainly about the investigation and preparatory work before the proposition research.Through the questionnaire survey,it is understood that the current assessment method of geography is still mainly based on "paper-based examination",and the samples considered that the most critical link in the paper-based examination based on the geographical core literacy assessment and the links that need to be improved in the process of setting the test are all Grasp the core literacy characteristics of different energy levels.By using the Likert scale to quantify the degree of doubt that front-line teachers have on the paper-pencil test propositions,and through principal component analysis and multiple linear regression analysis,it is concluded that the main factor affecting the quality of paperpencil test propositions is "Question setting" And " The propositional self ",combined with relevant data analysis,summarized the current paper-based test propositions,"the propositionalists have a lack of understanding and grasp of the core literacy of geography","the way of expressing the questions and the angle of the question is not good","the conclusion of the test questions is one-sided or wrong” and “test question scoring standards are difficult to objectively measure the level of core literacy”.Chapters 4 and 5 are the main part of the research.In order to facilitate the propositionalists to quickly and accurately grasp the performance characteristics of different energy level literacy,Chapter 4 uses text analysis to first describe the academic quality levels of the four geographical core literacy from "problem situation","knowledge and skills",and "methods or practical activities".Then,to guide the practical operation process of the proposition,draw lessons from Luo Riye's situational theory,Bloom's educational goal classification theory,and SOLO classification theory.From the three parts of the test structure,the conditions that can stimulate students to show relevant performance are transformed into concrete Proposition requirements,and the "Extension Table for the Description of Academic Quality Level" was formulated.Based on the above research results,Chapter 5 summarizes the principles and methods of setting the three parts of the test structure,in order to make the propositional work of the geographical core literacy assessment perfect from the theoretical and practical levels:Regarding context creation,the principles of "presenting information in multiple ways,focusing on the examination of basic skills","relying on specific areas,focusing on the authenticity,thinking and comprehensiveness of the context","creating practical scenarios,and reflecting the values of disciplines in the exploration",and A case is supplemented to illustrate how to debug and improve the content of the material based on the contextual parameters of the target level.Regarding question setting,the principles of “creating a task that triggers core literacy performance”,“accurately grasping the energy level of the task”,“showing the thinking process of geographic research”,and supplemented by different questioning methods of real questions or adapted test questions for comparison.Regarding the setting of answers and scoring standards,it is emphasized that subjective questions should follow the SOLO classification theory to set the answers and scoring standards,and put forward "comprehensive factor analysis,establishing the concept of time and space","strengthening cognitive logic,highlighting multiple perspectives," and "adapting measures to local conditions and time,making reasonable suggestions for planning” principle,and supplementary explanation through original test question cases.Chapters 6 is mainly about conclusions and prospects.It reviews the main research conclusions of this thesis and points out that the research still has flaws in the questionnaire sample and problem description.We do not fully consider the composition and review of the proposition process in the macro sense.Therefore,we propose future research ideas for the shortcomings.
Keywords/Search Tags:Geographic core literacy assessment, Paper-based test propositions, Contextual parameters of test questions, SOLO classification
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