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Analysis Of Factors Affecting SF’s Customer Relationship Management Capability And Research On Improving Countermeasures

Posted on:2024-03-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q L SunFull Text:PDF
GTID:2569307097965469Subject:(professional degree in business administration)
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
SF is a medium-sized group company that mainly manufactures chemical products with the integration of fertilizer production and sales,real estate development,financial trade,and agrochemical services.Since 2020,with the outbreak of Covid-19,the market information has been asymmetric,which directly results in the highest production and sale volume in 2020.When 2021 comes,with the international and domestic economic situation weakening,the whole production and sale volume took a bad turn.Worse still,the lasting of pandemic,the outbreak of Russia-Ukraine conflict,the regualtion and control of national macropolicies,the international special attention to the safty of grain all lead to the sharp rise and fall in the chemical market.Therefore,all trades and professions try to find ways to reform in order to adapt to the new economic situation.Under the premise of the impossible technical breakthrough and the procsssing improvement,and the appearing shrink of distribution channels,the company of SF actively participates in the fierce market competition and takes the customers serving as the chief task of enterprise operation.The products and services provided by the company must be carried out around the customers.Customer relationship management has become the most important link and gradually become one of the key elements in the enterprise development.Taking SF as the research subject and the company’s current customer management status as research basis,the paper analyses and finds out various problems in SF’s customer relationship management by conducting interviews with the main customer groups in the downstream sales channel of SF.Based on the analysis of those problems and the relative documents and theories,combining with the methods of questionaire and data analysis,the paper tries to find out the key influencial factors that cause the problems,and puts forward the countermeasures and methods to improve the customer relationship management.The research findings show that:First,there are six problems such as the incomplete customer hierarchical management;blocked customer feedback channel;untimely satisfied customer’s needs;inadequate ability to develop new customers;low customer service quality;poor information technology service.Second,through analysis of the above six problems and research on relative documents,a questionaire that applies to SF’s customer relationship management has been designed.By analysing the data of questionaire,the paper finds out the influencial factors to the problems like lack of hierarchical management measures;the customers’poor satisfaction with policy price;untimely handling to the complaints;inadequate information transmission by business personnel;low perception of products and services from customers;unclear customer value identification and insufficient motivation of customer development;inadequate terminal teaching and activity planning;inadequate support for information system services.Third,aiming at problems and influencial factors the paper puts forward some ideas about hierarchical management and some measures and advices concerning the following aspects.We should implement customer hierarchical management,inovate alliance platform and smooth feedback channels,master customer information and satisfy customers’needs,identify customer value and open up sales channels,strengthen terminal services and improve service quality,promote information construction of customer relationship management.
Keywords/Search Tags:customer relationship management, customer hierarchical management, customer satisfaction, customer value, relationship marketing
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