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Survival "differences" Seeking "with"

Posted on:2012-04-01Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:W Z ZhaoFull Text:PDF
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"Homosexuals," a special ethnic group, emerge gradually into the public view. In the context of construction of a harmonious society in China, whether "homosexuals" obtained enough space to develop their culture or not becomes a question that we can not overlook. The theme of this dissertation is the living tactics of male "homosexuals" both in and out of the internet environment. It discusses the construction of "homosexual" identity in different spaces and examines marriages between "homosexuals" and "heterosexuals."This study is carried out through three perspectives. The first is the historical dimension through which the author looks into the sexual behavior between two men in ancient Chinese documents and discusses the opinions which hold that ancient China is the golden age for "homosexuals." Second is the discursive dimension. the author analyzes the complicity between the main-stream discourse and the traditional public media, and focuses on the formation and the development of "homosexual discourse" in the internet. Last is the spatial dimension, which allows us to consider the construction of "homosexual" identity in different spaces such as internet, home and society, and the living tactics adopted by "homosexuals.'In the beginning part of the dissertation, after consulting the historical documents, the author believes that in ancient Chinese society, there wasn't a stable identity for the men who had sex with men. In ancient china, the sexual relations between two men are an imitation and the reproduction of the male-female relationships. It plays a role as an "entertainment" or a "game" beside the reproductive "heterosexual" marriage, or is a variant of the friendship between two men.In the following parts, the author focuses on the "homosexuals'" living tactics in different spaces. Because the "homosexual" ethic group is always out of the main-stream discourses, the public judges them according to the "rigid impressions" and doesn't leave them enough room to live and to develop their culture. Moving into the internet, "homosexuals" participate in a "carnival-like" space of individual and collective identities. The internet helps "homosexuals" to establish a clear ethnic boundary and offers a space for them to develop and spread their culture. However, on the other hand, like the "liminal phase" in the "rites of the passage," "homosexuals" unburden their resentment and fulfill their sexual passions on the internet, but back in the actual society, they fail to challenge the legitimacy of "heterosexuality". Many male "homosexuals" will marry women and start the "heterosexual" gender performance to fulfill the reproductive responsibility.The author holds that the special cultural context and social structure in China limit the expansion of the "homosexuals'" living space. Internet, a new-born medium, offers them a comparatively free space and fills their requirement of accessing the individual and collective identities. Nonetheless, at the same time, internet keeps the "homosexuals" from fighting for their rights in the actual society. The living tactics, which are carried out in the different spaces, make the collective consciousness of "homosexual" identity become instable and vulnerable, and reduce the possibility of starting a western-like "gay movement" in china.
Keywords/Search Tags:"Homosexual", Identity, Marriage, Living tactics
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