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The Phonetic Study Of "Banshan Hakka" In Tangnan, Fengshun, Guangdong

Posted on:2011-11-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X M LiFull Text:PDF
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"Bansha n Hakka"is a specia l Hakka Dia lect, is different from the Meixia n Hakkabecause of the long-term contacts with the Chaozhou Dia lect. Based on field work,this thesis does a comparative study of phonology, vocabulary system between theChaozhou dia lect of Jindengzha n villa ge and the Hakka dia lect of Changlin villa ge inTangnan town. Seeing from the phenomenon of mutual influence, the paper exploresthe law of variation that caused by the contact between dia lects. By applying themethods of sociolinguistics, the development trend of the language life in"Bansha n-Hakka"area has been explored.This paper is divided into five chapters , the first chapter briefly introduces what is"Bansha n Hakka"and review the research summary of"Bansha n Hakka"dia lect. Thesecond and third chapters are respectively introduce the phonetic system of"Bansha nHakka"dia lect and Tangna n Chaozhou dia lect. The fourth chapter is based on the QieYun, investigating the evolution of"Bansha n Hakka"dia lect. The fifth chapter is aboutthe contact and variation between"Bansha n Hakka"dia lect and Chaozhou Dia lect.Base on the comparative study of phonology, vocabulary system betweenChaozhou dia lect and"Bansha n Hakka"dia lect, we can discover that ChangkengDistrict is a Hakka dia lect isla nd that surrounded by Chaozhou dia lect."Bansha nHakka"dia lect is greater influence d by Chaozhou dia lect ,and Chaozhou dia lect islittle influenced by"Bansha n Hakka"dia lect. However, under siege of Chaozhoudia lect"Bansha n Hakka"dia lect rema ins stubborn and conservative,...
Keywords/Search Tags:"Bansha n Hakka", phonetic system, vocabulary, Hakka Dia lect, Chaozhou Dia lect, comparison
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