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Study On Antioxidative Activity And Its Mechanism Of Rosemary And Development Of Natural Functional Food

Posted on:2004-09-04Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:J N HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1101360092496385Subject:Agricultural Products Processing and Storage Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The extraction of natural antioxidant from rosemary was investigated by supercritical CO2 fluid extraction with two level of separation. The factors including extraction pressure, extraction temperature, separation I pressure, separation II temperature, having modifier or not and dose of modifier were studied. By using orthogonal design guided by extraction yield, the optimized conditions were established as follows: for extracts from separation I , extraction pressure 30MPa, extraction temperature 55 C, separation I pressure 5MPa, separation I temperature 70 C; for extracts from separation II, extraction pressure 30MPa, extraction temperature 65 C, separation I pressure ISMPa-.separation I temperature 60 C, extraction time 3 hour, the modifier(95%EtOH) 40% (sample basis).The antioxidative activities of SFE extracts and solvent extracts were studied. The differences between them and the action law were found., The scavenging of superoxide radicals generated from X/XO system by five active constituents from rosemary, which are carnosic acid, carnospl, rosmanol, epirosmanol, isorosmanol, was studied by ESR and CL. The results show: AH the five compounds have a dose-effect relationship and a saturated phenomenon. The inhibition of lipid peroxide did so. Compared by IC50 values, their activity sequence was: for O2 by ESR, carnosic acid>isorosmanol>rosmanol>epirosmanol>carnosol; for O2 by CL, isorosmanol>carnosic acid>rosmanol>epirosmanol>carnosol; for L-by ESR, carnosic acid>isorosmanol >rosmanol >epirosmanol >carnosol>. The results of the scavenging of hydroxyl radical by carnosic acid and carnosol show the activities of carnosic acid are more active than carnosol. The depress rate of DNA damage chemiluminescence indicated the four compounds expect carnosol can protect DNA at some extent. The IC50 value of the depress of DNA damage chemiluminescence by carnosic acid, rosmanol, epirosmanol, isorosmanol were 17.8mol/L for earnosic acid, 2.63mol/L for rosmanol, 10.43mol/L for epirosmanol, 1.96mol/L for isorosmanol. Carnosol have not effect at thr range of using concentration. The active sites of five compounds were located by semiempirical quantum chemistry calaulation. And the difference between LUMO and HOMO elucidated the differences of activity sequence of five compounds scavenging O2 and inhibiting lipid peroxide.The ralationship of the activities and the content of active contitutents in rosemary extracts indicated positive relevance between the content of carnosic acid and the activities of extracts. The more the content of carnosic acid, the higher the activities. So, carnosic acid was the main active constituent, and carnosol was the minor constitutent. The activities of single compound indicated rosmanol, epirosmanol, and isorosmanol have great activities. They were too the active constituents in rosemary extracts. In general, carnosic acid contributed the main effect to the activities of rosemary; the other four constituents contributed the minor part.The method foundation of the fingerprint of rosemary was studied. The relationship of thefingerprint and extraction technique was discussed. The discussion between the fingerprint and the activities of rosemary extracts as a whole elucidated the differences among the activities of rosemary extracts.The scavenging effect of oxygen radicals generated in rat ischemic heart by carnosic acid and carnosol indicated both of them could protect the heart from ischmic damage.A function food was developed on the basis of the research results.
Keywords/Search Tags:rosemary, antioxidative activity, electron spin resonance (ESR ), chemiluminescence, functional food
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