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Study On Genetical Ecology Of Pinus Koraiensis Natural Population

Posted on:2004-07-03Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:F J FengFull Text:PDF
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This dissertation focus on the variation and adaptability in morphology, anatomy and genetic character of natural Korean pine populations in Changbai Mountains, Tangwanghe conservancy district, Shengshan forestry center in Heihe and Vladivostok, moreover the ISSR-PCR reaction system is originated, the adaptability of Korean pine to elevation is discussed, and the difference of genetic structure between the Korean pine with coarse bark and the individuals with fine bark is compared.1. The analysis result of the needle length, the annual branch length and the weight of thousand seeds is: the differences of annual branch length and weight of thousand seeds is not obvious in three different populations; on the contrary, the difference of the needle length is remarkable in the mentioned groups, the mean length of needle is trend to shorter with the latitude increasing, the percentage of needle length in lower class(6-9cm) increases and the needle length in higher class(l l-16cm) is on the contrary with the elevation raising.2. The optimal ISSR-PCR reaction system for Korean pine is instituted in the study.3. The mean PPS value of 87 individuals with 15 primers is 60.7%, each primers has 3.6 polymorphics in average. The sequence for genetic diversity of the mentioned Korean pine population is: the population in Tangwanghe conservancy district, the population in Changbai Mountains, the population in Shengshan forestry center of Heihe and the group in Vladivostok. The genetic diversity of Korean pine in central distribution area is notable than in edge of distribution area.4. The percentage of genetic diversity within Korean pine population is 72.99% in the total value, The percentage of genetic diversity be among the Korean pine populations is only 27%, that means the genetic variation is mainly occurred inner Korean pine population.5. The genetic diversity of Korean pine will decrease with the elevation rising. The genetic distance and geographic distance of the species have the clear positive relation, and the genetic continuity is obvious and the elevation factors affect the isolation of Korean pine lightly among the populations in different elevation.6. The ISSR analysis of Korean pine with coarse and fine bark in different regions indicates: there is no remarkable genetic differences in the two groups. The bark difference is the result of environmental alteration, or it is not showed at the united position of SSR primer.7. Comparing with the other coniferous tree, the genetic diversity of Korean pine is notable, and the genetic differentiation among the natural populations causes the diversity. The decreasing of the natural Korean pine population is result of artificial and natural destroy, e.g. forest fire and storm.All results of this study will provide the theoretical help in the species protection and the selecting of improved Korean pine variety.
Keywords/Search Tags:Korean pine, ISSR, genetic differentiation, genetic structure, adaptability
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