The pinch of sports thoughts comes from the real predicament of sports to some extent, but the real predicament of sports was from the lack of recognition in sports essence to a great extent. Therefore, an exploration of sports essence is the core part of sports theoretical research. Nevertheless, long-standing problem about the sports essence research has made the importance of its becomes more urgent and essential, which is about the limitations of concept, the lost in sports and practice, and the stagnation of development. Based on that, we have an philosophical interpretation of sports essence in five aspects that of competition,audience,regulation,honor, and freedom which is guided by the philosophical hermeneutics.Competition is the beginning of an philosophical interpretation of sports essence in play horizons. The development which is form animal competition to society competitiveness, manifests as an development that is from the rivalry between body to the view of competition. The processes looks like an abstraction and shelter of the competitive essence in sports, it is essentially a penetration and sublimation of the competitive essence in sports.The audience of sports could become an indispensable parts of subjectivity exist. The view of the existing research which is emphasized the audience is a mere spectator, it is essentially a profound contempt for the subjectivity of audience. So we should changed the recognition about identity of audience, recognize them as a subjectivity exist which is with a clearly self esteem, offered enough respect that is a reflection of acknowledge to the individual feelings of audiences.The regulation of play is the fundamental issues of development in sports, and also the intrinsic demand to sports essence. The operation of regulation needed an moving boundary, On the one hand sports need to construct an relatively independent development space within clearly time-line, on the other hand its also need to manifests a long sustainable course of history which has repeat-ability. But at the same time the regulation should be recognized by participant of sport, that has also embodies the meaning of ethics such as fairness forms equality between individual participation.The honor of play is an symbol of existence in sports, and an symbolic representation of sports essence. The medals alienation is the deviation of the view of honor from sports essence, which should be given up the bondage of instrument, dilute the symbol values and deepens the view of competition in the meantime. In the developing process, the competitive ability is the basement of honor creation, the assimilation of recognition is the preconditions cause of honor, and the symbol and interests is an objective performance of honor.The freedom of play is an self-actualization in sports, and the fundamental goals of sports essence. The freedom in sports should be represents an free will which is get over bondage outside. The free will are becoming an rational awareness with an principled and specific features. The possibility of freedom feeling in sports comes from the bondage, and the feeling about space with no limit is provided with freedom is also the core value of the freedom in sports. |