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Study On Rural Infrastructure’s Agricultural Production Effect

Posted on:2015-10-04Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q H WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1109330461495929Subject:Agricultural Economics and Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The actualization of industrialization, informatization, urbanization and argriculture modernization simultaneity is trend of China’s development in the future, and the building of infrastructure is one of important measure for Four-zation Simultaneous Development and the strategy of stimulating rural consumption. In the rural of China, the infrastructure including irrigation facility and road, is directly or indirectly effect development of agricultrue and living of local people.Therefore, analysing the agricultrue production affect of rural infrastucture, which is meaningful to summarize China’s agriculture development and the problem in the procese of rural infrastucture investment,management and maintenance. Besides, some parts of this article is studied the production effects of standard highway which have network effects with rural road. In the end, based the status of concerned rural infrastructure and policy, and referenced experiences of main developed countries and Taiwan, this article investigate the policy advice about supply,management and maintenance of Chian’s irrigation facility and rural road, which provide reference to the government and relevant organizations.Agricultural economic growth is the characterizes of rural infrastructure’s agricultural production effect by affecting technical efficiency, factor input,production cost and plant strcuture. On the basis of that thought, we take the production theory, the cost theory,the growth accounting theory as theory frame, and use concerned theory of Agricultural Economics, Development Economics, Economical Geography, Public Economics, Econometrics, Institutional Economics to study.The main work in this article is taken raral infrastructure’s agricultural production effects as logic thread, and empirical study from the four part of rural infrastructures’ action mechanism on agricultural productionby decomposing the article into seven charpters.The charpter 1 is introduction that is outlined part of present the problem which need to answer in the artilce and it’s meaning,and define the rural infrastructure and its’mechanism of action in order to ascertain the object of the article.Then,the research design, research methods, technology roadmap is put forward.Besides, innovation points and shortages is summarized.The chapter 2 is the literature review on infrastructure and economic development, it generalized theoretical basis, data taye and econometrics analysis method. Moreover,we summarized and review the representative literature on different aspact,such as, economic development (including levels of country, district and industry), technical efficiency, spillover effects, employment, supply and management, agricultural development.In the part about agricultural development,the findings on the effcts’of infrastructure on economic growth, farmer production, efficiency, factor input, production cost are reviewed intensively in argriculture.The charpter 3 analysize the effect of rural infrastructure on agricultural economic growth.After reviewing the development of China’s agriculture, standard highway, substandard highway and irrigation facility in 1978 to 2012, we construct two-way fixed effects model in the form of C-D production function based on public goods model and agricultural production function.By analysing the production effect of rural infrastructure and standard highway on agriculture from the level of the country and areas,it laid a empirical foundation to the atrticle, the study of subsequent three charters as well as policy suggestion, strengthen the pertinency of the policy part.The chapter 4 analysize the effect of rural infrastructure on factor input and agricultural productivity. After expatiating the evolution of China’s factor input and technical progress in agriculture,we incorporated rural road and irrigation facility into empirical model in form of translog production function, according to production theory and growth accounting theory. Then, the elastic analysis of substitution effect or complementary effect of rural infrastructure to factor is carried,and the agricultural productivity is decomposed into four part that is technical change, scale effect, contribution rate of irrgation facility and contribution rate of rural road.To study of the source of China’s productivity gorwth, it’s studied from the standpoint of rural infrastructure’s contribution which widen the conventional standpoint that be confined to technical change,allocation efficiency, scale effect.The chapter 5 analysize the effect of rural infrastructure on agricultural production cost. Firstly, we compare the average cost-revenue of three kind of grain crops of main years in 1978 to 2012 historically and the average cost of three kind of grain crops between China and Arnerican,explain the factor that decide China’s agricultural production cost. Secondly, we empirical analysize the effect of irrigation facility and rural road on China’s interprovincial production cost, based on the proudction funcion.the public goods model and the optimal factor input theory to construct quantile regression model. Thirdly, the mechanism of effect of rural infrastructure on China’s agricultural production cost is discussed deeply.The chapter 6 analysize the effect of rural infrastructure on planting structure. Firstly, we review the change of China’s planting strucuture from 1978 to 2012 from levels of whole country and area. Secondly, according to the concrete form of rural infrastructure and agricultural production,empirical model is constructed based on agricultural location theory and Engel’s Law.Thirdly, we use panel regression model to quantitative study the effect of irrigation facility,rural road and standard highway to planting structure in China and it’s areas, and explain the reason that lead to the empirical result from economic development,areas’natural condition,labor migration and so on.In this chapter, we break through the standpoint of agricultural location theory study planting structure change,and expand the infrastructure that effect planting structure to irrgation facility out of road in research perspective.The chapter 7 is compse of study results, policy suggestion and research prospects. Based on present situation of China’s irrigation facility and rural road, relevant experiences on rural infrastructure from some developed countries and Taiwan province,we take some policy suggestion about how to improve efficiency of irrigation facility and rural road’s supply,management and maintance.we make some innovation based on existing papers,but there are some shortcoming deficiency. Therefore,we make necessary research prospects in the end of this article.The conclusions are as follows.Firstly,irrigation facility and standard highway have positive effect on China’s agricultural economic growth,and it’s affect mainly reflect in the east and the midland respectively.But the empirical result of rural road’s effect on China’s agricultural GDP isn’t significant, and it have postive effect on agriculture development in the west.For results in agriculture economic development, it can be attribute to difference action mechanism of infrastructures, natural condition, economic development et al.First,irrigation facility have substitution effect on input of labor and fixed capital, but rural road have complementary effect on these factor input. Second, the two kind of rural infrastructure have active effect on agricultural TFP growth,but rural road’s effect is much larger. Third,irriagtion facility and rural road does not reduce production cost which consisted of labor cost, fixed capital and fertilizer cost,the last one stand for intermediate input cost. Fourth, standard highway have negative effect on China’s grain crops planting,specially in the east and the west,it have positive effect in the midland.Meanwhile, irragtion facility reduce the ratio of grain corps in the planting structure in the midland,and rural road reduce the the ratio of grain corps in the planting structure in the midland and the west.
Keywords/Search Tags:Rural Infrastructure, Production Effect, Rural Road, Irrgation Facility
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