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Research Of Inclusive Growth And Inclusive Fiscal Policy Design

Posted on:2015-08-04Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:J E MengFull Text:PDF
GTID:1109330467465580Subject:Public Finance
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) formally proposed the concept of "inclusive growth" in2007, this concept is committed to solve a variety of social problems occurring in the economic growth of Asian counties, as well has extensive theoretical connotation and profound realistic significance. China is a big developing country, for many years of rapid economic growth causes the attention of the world, but at the same time, in the field of people’s livelihood, such as employment, basic education, health care, pension etc., has the unbalanced development problems, threatening the social stability and sustainable development. The unbalanced development condition is connected with the focus of China’s fiscal policy which is to promote economic growth, and ignores the development of the people’s livelihood. Using the "inclusive growth" concept to guide China’s fiscal policy mechanism design, can sovle the "un-inclusive" problems, so as to achieve the equilibrium of economic growth and people’s livelihood development.Based on such background, this paper traces the "inclusive" thoughts of China and western countries, discusses the target and the key elements of "inclusive growth", and measures the "inclusive" degree of China’s growth, reveals the existing "un-inclusive" problems in China’s social development. To solve these problems, the paper designs the mechanism of "inclusive financial policy", and put forward the path choice of "inclusive financial policy"This paper is divided into seven chapters:The first chapter is introduction. This part includes the research background, research significance, research object and research methods of this paper, and introduces the research train of thought, innovation points and the difficulties.The second chapter is the review of the literature. This part introduces "inclusive growth" thought, the theory of the relationship between fiscal policy and the people’s livelihood development, involving the review of "inclusive growth" theory,"inclusive" economic thought of China’s and western countries, the literature review of the relationship between fiscal policy and people’s livelihood development.The third chapter includes the definition, the key elements and the measure method theory of "inclusive growth". This part mainly maks a theory definition of "inclusive growth", under the definition, constructs the key elements framework of "inclusive growth", and proposes the measure idea and the method of "inclusive growth", provides the theoretical support of measuring "inclusive growth" in the following part.The fourth chapter is about China’s growth "inclusive" measure. This part based on the above framework of key elements of "inclusive growth", calculates the available opportunities of China’s job, basic education, health care and pension respectively, using the idea of social opportunity function, builds the simulation social opportunity fuction of every area, then by calculating the opportunity index and the inclusive index of opportunity, judges the degree of "inclusive" in various fields.The fifth chapter is about the "un-inclusive"problems existing in the development of China. Based on the results of the empirical analysis in the last chapter, this part makes statistical analysis and normative analysis to the "un-inclusive" problems of the employmet, basic education, health care and pension, provides the corresponding realistic foundation for the design of the following chapter "inclusive financial policy mechanism".The sixth chapter is "inclusive financial policy" mechanism design. In the framework of "inclusive growth" ideology, this part defines the connotation and target mode of "inclusive financial policy", according to the China’s growth "inclusive" measure results and the "un-inclusive" problems in the people’s livehood areas, maks the targeted "inclusive financial policy" path design and choice.The seventh chapter is the conclusion and the prospect. Based on the content of the full text, this part summarizes some main conclusions of this paper, and makes some related issues for the future research prospect.This paper starts with the theory analysis, through establishing the theory model to do the empirical analysis, and supplemented by statistical analysis as well as normative analysis, studies deeply about the "inclusive growth" concept and "inclusive financial policy" mechanism design, put forward the "inclusive financial policy" path choice to promote the balanced development of China’s economy and people’s livelihood.
Keywords/Search Tags:Inclusive Growth, Fiscal Policy, People’s Livehood, Equality ofOpportunity
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