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Research On The Impact Mechanism Of New Generation Employees Of Hotels Perceived Value On Turnover Intention

Posted on:2016-11-17Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:X J ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:1109330479986805Subject:Tourism Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
At present, new generation employees have become the main force of staff in the hotel industry of China. High employee turnover is a general phenomenon among new generation employees of hotels, which not only lead to severe economic loss and indirect loss, but also influence hotel industry’s competitiveness and sustainable development. Therefore, studying the topic of new generation employees of hotels’ turnover has important realistic meanings. The domestic and foreign multitudinous scholars have conducted widespread researches from different theory angles to the topic. While there are still many unreached tasks on this topic. In the future, scholars should try to move the study forward.Contrast to customer perceived value in the marketing theory, employee perceived value is a new concept, which has gradually become an important concept in organization behavior research field. The paper introduces the employee perceived value concept to explain the impact mechanism of new generation employees of hotels perceived value on turnover intention, which restructures a new point of research. This paper applying to the empiricism, using basic theories from the social exchange theory, the perceived value theory and the internal marketing theory, using research methods of interview, questionnaire survey,content analysis, independent-sample test, one-way ANOVA, exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, regression analysis, structural equation model analysis, taking new generation employees of hotels as the sample, it constructs the impact mechanism model of employee perceived value on turnover intention. The paper’s content includes four aspects:Firstly, It explores the conceptual model and scale of new generation employees of hotels. It puts forward to hotel employee perceived value concept, and explains its connotation. Then, it develops the questionnaire of hotel employee perceived value by the procedures and principles of psychological scale development. It makes the exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses, path analyses of survey data on 1807 employee s of 83 hotels in China, with the help of the SPSS19.0 and AMOS17.0 data analysis software, to testify the conceptual model. The study results show: The concept of hotel employee perceived value is a high-order variable, which includes perceived benefit perspective and perceived cost perspective. Perceived benefit has positive influence on employee perceived value. While perceived cost has negative influence on employee perceived value.Perceived benefit perspective include six measurement dimensions. Perceived cost perspective include five measurement dimensions. The hotel employee perceived value questionnaire is demonstrated to have good reliability and validity, which can be used as a measurement tool for following research.Second, to research on hotel new generation employee perceived value difference in demographical and organizational variables. It uses independent-Samples T Test,analysis of variance and Post Hoc research methods to calucate investigate datas with the help of the SPSS19.0.The study results show:the significant differences are found on some demographical variables(eg.Sex,Education Degree)and organizational variables(eg. brand type, star degree, ownership attribute, job position,operation years,economy benefit) of hotel new generation employee perceived value.Third,to explore impact mechanism of new generation employees of hotels perceived value on turnover intention.Based on the past research of literature, the paper first studies the relationships among employee perceived benefit, perceived cost, perceived value, organization commitment, turnover intention,family support variables. Then, it constructs the impact mechanism model of employee perceived value on turnover intention.Then,it makes factor analyses, path analyses of survey dates on 1807 millennial generation staff of 83 hotels in China, with the help of the SPSS19.0 and AMOS17.0 data analysis software, to testify the theory model. The study results show:(1)Perceived value has significant influence on turnover intention, and its perceived benefit perspective and perceived cost perspective both have significant influence on turnover intention.(2)Organization commitment has mediating effect in perceived benefit, perceived cost and turnover intention.(3) Perceived family support obviously has moderating effect on the relationship between perceived value and turnover intention.Fourth,to construct strategic management framework and countermeasures to control turnover of new generation employee of hotels form the perspective of employee perceived value.The paper constructs three steps action framework of controlling turnover, which include estimating employee perceived value, creating employee perceived value and transmitting employee perceived value.In order to explore management tools of hotel employee perceived value, the paper explores management tools, which include map of hotel employee perceived value, four paths of creating hotel employee perceived value and transmitting path of employee perceived value. Finally, it puts forward to four countermeasures to control turnover of new generation employee of hotels.There are three research innovations. First, it explores and testifies scale of hotel new generation employee perceived value, which compensate for the lack of existing research. Second, it constructs theory model of the impact mechanism of new generation employees of hotels perceived value on turnover intention. The different innovations of the concept model embody two aspects. On the one hand, it first introduces employee perceived value and its perceived benefit perspective, perceived cost perspective as turnover intention’s antecedents variable. On the other hand, it introduces family support as moderator variable. Third, it develops management tools of hotel new employee perceived value, which are beneficial to solve hotel employee turnover problem and to promote the healthy development of hotel industry in China.
Keywords/Search Tags:hotel, new generation employee, perceived value, turnover intention, organization commitment
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