Human activity is the most main factor of ecological environment changes,harmony land and water resources utilization and ecological environment is an important goal that has been the pursuit of human. With the rapid growth of the continuous improvement of the level of urbanization and Intensity of soil and water resources development and utilization contradictions of the falling of ecosystem service function and the increasing of human demand for ecosystem services will aggravate,ecological system will face unprecedented challenges,optimizing land and water resources has become an effective tool for economic growth and environmental protection for sustainable development.Soil and water resources optimal allocation research in China is relatively optimized allocation of water resources and land resources optimization configuration started late,But in the process of more than ten years of development has achieved fruitful results It is of great significance to guide agricultural production in our country and maintain national food security.Soil and water resources allocation which aims at the optimization of agricultural production pattern will not adapt to the rapid economic development.At the same time actively promoting ecological civilization construction,Research ecological construction and soil and water resources optimal allocation problem under the coordination of economic development become a hot spot of many scholars.In this paper,based on the analysis of three relations for the land use,water and soil resources space matching pattern and ecosystem service value with ecosystem service value theory,sustainable development theory and allocation of resources theory,the water and soil resources optimal allocation model of ecosystem services was structured and with zheng zhou city as an example,Main conclusions are as follows:1.The relationship between water and soil use and ecosystem service value is proved.The total value of ecosystem services of Zhengzhou increase from 464797.50 million yuan in 2003 to 705633.57 million yuan in 2012,it is Overall outer-plane rising trend.The value of single ecosystem services types is "S" type to fluctuations.But at each point of time it shows a different trend, which supports the highest service function,the lowest regulation service function,which shows the willingness and ability to pay and the value of ecosystem services are positively correlated Increasing construction land evaluation is conducive to the comprehensive analysis of land use change on the influence of regional ecosystem services value.Through the correlation analysis and size analysis,garden,water and forest promote ecosystem services value.Town and mining and traffic have restrictive effect on ecosystem service value.Farm and tidal flats and unused land and rural residential have a smaller affect on ecosystem service value.Using gray correlation analysis of the changes in the structure of the water driving factors, the land area for agricultural use of water and ecological environment effect is larger than industrial water and living water,and has a direct impact on the regional ecosystem service value,but industrial water and living water also has certain influence on ecosystem service value by the changes on the development of urbanization.2.The relationship between the spatial pattern of water and soil resources and the change of ecosystem service value is defined. The matching level of water and soil resources in Zhengzhou city has experienced a process of improving and reducing from 0.6142 in 2003 to 0.5746 in 2012. Combined with entropy,the demand for water gradually clear, the awareness of economical and intensive utilization of is gradually strengthening in the early economic development,the balance of cultivated land and ecological environment unsignificantly changes,the balanced degree of agricultural water use and ecological environment water use strengthen which makes water and soil resources matching degree greatly improved.With the continuous improvement of the level of economic development, the equilibrium degree of cultivated land and ecological land decreased slightly, the agricultural water use and water ecological environment changes significantly,unreasonable use causes function disorder of ecological system, matching level shows a trend of gradual decline. By using Granger causality test method in the lag time is1,the level of water and soil resources and the value of ecosystem serviceswere no relationship;in the lag time is2 and in the lag timeis3,the level of water and soil resources and the value of ecosystem services was a one-way causal relationship;in the lag time is4,the level of water and soil resources and the value of ecosystem services were two way causality.the results indicating that the change of the two factors have significant correlation,the water and soil resources matching pattern changes with the time and external factors gradually strengthen.3. Construct the optimal allocation model of water and soil resources for ecosystem services. Based on the analysis of the relationship between the utilization of water and soil resources,the matching pattern of water and soil resources and the ecosystem services. Construct optimal allocation model system of water and soil resources for ecosystem services,water and soil resources system model includes water resources optimization allocation model and land resources optimal allocation model,system model of ecological environment includes ecosystem service value assessment model and the ecological environment water model. Use water and land resources spatial matching pattern measurement model as the relation of water and land resources and ecological environment of the bridge, and maximum of the economic benefit of land use, the ecological benefits of land use and the minimum of regional water shortage total amount as the optimization objective,simulating land resource allocation and water resources allocation under different scenarios according to weights of economic benefits of the land use and ecological benefits of land use, acquiring soil and water resources allocation by comparing the target configuration and water and soil resources matching coefficient under the scene mode of "Pay equal attention to ecological economy" is optimal scheme. Under the scheme, the economic benefit is 33825744.72 million yuan. The ecological benefits is 706337.00 million yuan,regional water shortage is 28835 * 104m3,the water and soil resources matching coefficient is 0.4138. By comparing with the relevant programs,It has a strong advantage to improve the ecological environment,and the sustainable utilization of water resources. |