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Meaning Of Life: The Search For Effectiveness Of Moral Education

Posted on:2012-08-20Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y WeiFull Text:PDF
GTID:1115330335964964Subject:Education of ethics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The evaluation of the moral status prompted us to reflect on our current practice of moral education in schools. Starting from the purpose of moral education to explore the status of moral education, this paper argues that the current practice of moral education does not proceed from the characteristics of moral. The problem is that they only consider the needs of society and ignore the significance of individual moral development. Starting from the research of moral characteristics, the paper analyses the positive value of moral in enriching individual lives and promoting social development. On this basis, we will research fundamentally the purpose of moral education should be pursued and the effectiveness of moral education.By examining the current situation, we can find many problems. A wide range of moral education leads to the fuzzy boundaries of moral education. Moral education requires too idealistic and emphasize the moral rules and have no individual needs. They have profound social and historical roots. But they lead to many more problems. For example, morality limits human development, morality is a means not an end and out of life. The analysis shows that current practice of moral education emphasizes on social needs and ignores the needs and interests of people. It is one of the reasons of poor effectiveness of moral education.By examining the history of the development of moral, we can find that morality is the creation to meet human needs. Needs promote the emergence and development of moral, ensure ethical behavior and highlight the ultimate goal of moral. At the same time, moral ensures the tendency of people's existence and development. Be different from law and discipline, morality is the choice of voluntarily and the existence of free. When we research the purpose of moral education, we should know the inherent characteristics of moral and make the purpose consistent with it.The purpose of moral education is the basis for moral education and value orientation of practice of moral education. It is inside the moral education and should be realized. Different moral values are based on different assumptions of human nature. As a means of realizing and developing morality, moral education is also based on different assumptions of human nature. According to the nature of morality, the human nature and the social development, the purpose of moral education should enable students to become a moral person, rich and full human life and understand correctly personal interests.In this guidance of the purpose, moral education should distinguish from the education of rules, find the differences between the real needs and the needs of alienation and make students have rationality of moral values. The meaning of human needs in moral education is the needs of development. It contains two levels. One is comprehensive development needs, another is development needs of the free. In order to focus on human needs, the following principles should be followed:fully respect of the development needs of the students, correct understanding of the interests of the students and focus on their own experience of the educated. On this basis, the paper put forward some practical strategies such as understanding, dialogue, reflection and judgment.
Keywords/Search Tags:moral education, effectiveness, purpose, needs
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