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"economic Man" Analysis Of The Economic System Of Justice

Posted on:2003-12-08Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z Y ChenFull Text:PDF
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Since human society entered the era of modern market economy, great changes have taken place in economic systems and institutions. What's more, the subjective consciousness of individual and the Institutional Ethics have been increasingly protruding. Just under this background, John. Rawls. points out: "Justice is the primary virtue of various social systems as well as truth is of the thoughts system. " He believes that the moral valuation and choice of institutions should be prior to that of individuals. The main cause for the disorder of social morality does not lie in the self - cultivation of individuals, but in the justice of institutions themselves. His thought is vital for the search of morality in the era of market economy, especially in the transitional period of society.It is not difficult to find out that the effective function of institutions is connected with the justice degree of institutions. The more just and reasonable the formal rules of institutions are, the more effective they are to the people under them, and the more they can change the justice into people's interior belief through various of practice, and thus people can reinforce the understanding and acceptance of all kinds of responsibilities and obligations which they shoulder and which can develop the abilities of self - restraint and of performing their obligation. Otherwise, the relationship between human beings will be distorted; the injustice will finally lead to the reform of institutions. Today with the internationalization of capital and the globalization of market, the economic relationship of capitalism and the mam-monism are more and more rampant; money and economy have become the most forceful means, and in most degree some people have been dissimilated as the partial Economic Men, and the social injustice can be found everywhere. So to pursuit the institutional justice and to create a good institutional environment for the full devel-opment of human beings has been of great urgency.Then, what's on earth "justice" and "institutional justice"? We think based on the relationship of equal rights and obligations "justice" essentially is a kind of moral value or moral spirit that we can get what we should get and have to pay for what we have to pay for. In fact, "institutional justice" is also a kind of value or spirit which is contained in and pervading in the formulate, execution and supervision of institutions, and ensures that the subject can get what he should get and has to pay for what he has to pay for. In order to catch the essential definition of "institutional justice" we should pay attention to the followings. Firstly, the essence of institutional justice is the value of justice, which emphasizes the value orientation of institutions themselves. The concept and spirit of "justice" and "institutional justice" is substantial, while all kinds of concrete justice institutions are the external and formal representations of them. Secondly, institutional justice is a historical concept. In different historical periods and on different stages of productivity the content of institutional justice is different. That is to say, people will endow it different practical content according to their own understanding of "what we should get". Thirdly, with the development of productivity people will give the critical rethinking to the content of the existed institutional justice, produce new idea of institutional justice and make it changed into the practical institutional justice through social practices.To define the means of studying institutional justice presupposes the study of e-conomic institutional justice, while much attention must be paid to the studying means of economics and sociology in order to study institutional justice. The collec-??tivism means is mainly adopted in sociology, which concerns the social influence affecting an individual's behavior and is concentrated on how social force (institutions, social rules and so on) restricts an individual's behavior. In this means an individual has been...
Keywords/Search Tags:institutional justice, economic institution, interests, Economic Man, rights
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