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Expounding On Trial The Practice Meaning Of Hegel's Artistic Cognition

Posted on:2005-10-01Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y M ZhengFull Text:PDF
GTID:1115360122991266Subject:Chinese Language and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the Hegel' s system of Philosophy, artistic cognition is different from the religion and philosophy and is one of the ways in which the Absolute Idea realizes itself, so Artistic Philosophy is an important part in the Hegel' s system of Philosophy. Hegel thinks that people need the art because people are the free rational subjects and people need to know his own rational essence through the artistic expression. Then what is the nature of this kind of artistic cognition? In the Hegel' s system of philosophy, the activities people cognizing the Absolute Idea in the absolute spirit, are just free legislative activities of will in thought sphere or are free practical-objective thoughts, which are carried on through the method of artistic imagination by the artistic subject. So the nature of Hegel' s artistic cognition is not to provide scientific knowledge for people through the artistic image, but to bring to light the perceptual practice activity by way of abstract spiritual practice, thus the Hegel' s category of artistic cognition has the meaning of practicality.The historical destiny of Hegel' s philosophy and aesthetics tell us that we should surmcunt the epistemology view of philosophy in the studying of Hegel' s e.-tistic philosophy, and should reveal the meaning of practicality carefully that the Hegel' s category of artistic cognition has. Hegel emphasizes that the category of artistic cognition surmounts the limited understanding and the will activities, but Hegel' s real purpose is to emphasize the freedom character that the category of artistic cognition has as the practice-reason mode of thinking. Hegel' s category of artistic cognition doesn' t deny or repel artistic emotion either. Oppositely Hegel refers the category of artistic cognition to practice-reason thinking of artistic subject has the meaning of deep artistic emotion. From the development history of Germany classical aesthetic thought, it is inevitable that Hegel emphasizes the practicality meaning of the artistic cognition.It has important enlightenment meanings on literature theory of Marxism to study the practicality meaning of Hegel' s category of artistic cognition. Hegel thinks only in the development history of constantly discarding of limited will-freedom, can artistic subject realize the free legislative activities of practice-reason in the activities of artistic cognition. The view of Hegel' s is very important to correctly deal with the relationship between the artists' evaluation and people' s perceptual practice. In addition, the study on artistic practicality meaning of the Marxism literature theory must absorb the valuable experience of western humanism aesthetics, and on this question Hegel' s emphasis on the meaning of historical reason that belongs to the category of artistic cognition has same enlightenment meanings.
Keywords/Search Tags:Expounding
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