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Find The Most Basic: The Ethnic Villages Villagers' Autonomy

Posted on:2012-12-10Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:T LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:1116330335479923Subject:National Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
From the perspective of the harmonious interaction between state power and rural residents involved with ethnic issues, this paper aims to implement a research of "Management Committee in village groups" based on an investigation within a natural village in Southeast Qian,Guizhou. The author intends to discover the social effects of this rural democratic political movement process and the deep factors caused these effects through observing the interactive process among current state, society, nationality in the basic unit of the grass-roots democratic politics plus the use of the knowledge of sociology, politics, administrative science, ethnology, law, sociology, etc to analyze this innovative management mode. The main purpose of this paper is to address how to achieve the possible combination between villager autonomy and regional ethnic autonomy in the basic level democratic political construction, in order to provide a collective institutional platform of the rural democratic political life and further push the harmonious interaction between state power and social development on a virtuous circle.Upon the theory on the relationship between state and society in modern western countries, perfect primary-level democracy has always been recognized as the root of booming state power and symbolic, and also the basic "activities territory" in social life. From the moment on the appearance of the state in the society, most efforts have been spared on better control the society. The dual opposites between state and society has formed the national and social respective management "territory", the "territory" battle has been passing throughout the whole human society history since the country was built, and also no exception for China. The villager committee system as one of our country's existing national primary-level democracy has took responsibility for the management of this "territory" controversy burden in the most rural areas with the broadest regions and the most population.In Chinese rural areas, the public cohesion and influence of Communist Party of China cannot be replaced since they have changed two thousand years of traditional agricultural economic life and enabled the peasants to own the land. Party organizations in rural has already mastered the rural political life, but political discourse power does not definitely enable party organization to take the role of rural public affairs managers, state power is the rural public affairs management role. The communist party of China has adopted their political influence to promote socialist state power construction so as to make the state power infiltrate towards the rural grassroots. Under this background, farmers are possible to treat state power into the village based on the "local knowledge" generated from the long-term rural economic life and social life, and even would not consciously use these "local knowledge" during the process of national political power and social interaction. These "local knowledge" has equipped with the strong regional sense and also highlighted ethnic characteristics among the social attributes. In the ethnic villages, the tripartite forces from regime, society and nationality intertwined different political pursuit of political power together, formed the theme of public management activities for the local villagers committee under the leadership of the Party.In the context of the construction of new countryside, this paper focuses on a "natural village autonomy" villager's committee system reform within a natural village in Southeast Qian, Guizhou. The author thinks that that uses the word "looking for the grassroots" can best draw the interpretation of the motives of the related parties in this reform. From the administrative village system to natural village management, this attempt will no doubt cause the new cycle of the game and compromise among the related parties. No matter which one government official to this change, the reform involved the change of the basic form of village committee has to be conducted on the side of caution. And afford for thought, the reform innovator choose an ethnic village with prominent national features and heavy traditional flavor as the pilot project. This is such a place where traditional strength were too much unprecedented, thus the result of building a new management mode in this kind of place seems to be difficult to be established? Will end with failure within the expectation or success out of the expectation?This paper is divided into four sections based on the systematic investigation on this pilot village, and tries to reveal the deepest reasons behind "looking for the grassroots" phenomenon driven by the government and society in the rural governance of ethnic autonomous areas.The first section including three chapters emphasizes on the theoretical aspect, which mainly reviews the formation and development of villager autonomy system and ethnic regional autonomy system, and then puts forward the intersection of both in space-natural village.The second section including two chapters emphasizes on the investigative section, which mainly describes survey materials collected by the author in the fieldwork of the manor village, and these materials clearly illustrate the basic situation of interviewees and the all sorts of effects from the interaction between villager autonomy and natural village.The third section including two chapters emphasizes on the analytical aspect, which mainly reveals the deep reasons caused the different effects generated from the context of the villager autonomy in administrative villages and natural villages respectively within the same national region based on the above investigation section. Through the analysis, the author considers that the policy of enabling the villager autonomy system built in administrative villages may not be suitable for that in minority areas, and ethnic people are willing to see the involvement of villager autonomy into natural villages. This is the real cause why the "looking for the grass-roots" phenomenon has recently appeared under the common drive of the nation and society.The fourth section including two chapters emphasizes on the explorative aspect, which mainly discusses the potential driving forces for "looking for the grassroots" phenomenon under the theoretical guidance on the relations between society and nation. The author makes certain attempts on the possible new interpretation for villager autonomy system, in order to meet the requirements for villager autonomy system with higher institutional inclusiveness, achieve the possible combination of villager autonomy system and ethnic regional autonomy system on the basic level of the areas where ethnic minorities gather and live, and thus continue to improve the socialism's grass-roots democratic system in rural areas with Chinese characteristics.The permanent appeal to the human society development today, democracy is rooted in the social life and returns to its track. What kind of the situation of a country holds seems like to decide what the kind of democracy it would eventually achieve. Under the whole process of pluralistic integration of varied ethnic groups in China, villager autonomy system as the basic mode of grass-roots democratic system have to provide enough institutional space for ethnic prosperity and development so as to adapt the Chinese regions where has a long fame for its historical civilization and inheritance.
Keywords/Search Tags:villager autonomy, ethnic group, natural village, ethnic regional autonomy, local knowledge
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