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Institutional Analysis Of The Economic Growth Mode Transformation

Posted on:2001-03-06Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:P LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:1116360002451853Subject:Political economy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Based on Marx' s thoughts of economic growth and the institutional theory, absorbing the beneficial achievement about economic growth and institutional theory of modern economics, this paper gave an overall, systematic and indepth demonstration of the correlation between economic growth mode and the system, and researched especially into the transformation of the economic growth mode during China' s marketizing process, on a viewpoint of systematic and institutional vicissitudes and within a basic theoretical framework form market mechanism angle.The paper, in retrospect, first discussed that the institutional factor was either completely evaded or simply regarded as a given premise worthy of no researching. Along with the researches of the two problems herebefore, the paper connected internally the institutional or systematic factor and transformation of the economic growth mode, on the basis of which, a fundamental proposition was put forward that institutional or systematic factor had become in fact the main decisive factor and the important explanatory variable of China' s transformation of the economic growth.The paper then made experiencial comparative analysis of the formation, developing, transformation and locking of the economic growth mode under different systems and mechanisms; and general theoretical analysis of conditions for normal functioning of market mechanism, the effectiveness of market machanism and moderate government intervention on condition that the system and mechan ism was optimalized. The achievement of this general theoritical analysis was applicated to analyze empiricallythe existing problems and the internal logic between the economic operation mechanism and the real33"广个-{——change of the growth mode under our countrys system reform andmarket mechanism regeneration,focussing on that market—orientedstructural adjustment,whfch was the combination of stock adjustment*n口!****i**I *刁卜*s工D口**I.Z WW*s **e *11**u*e 日巳*n**e 二os口1*e 了*eS汀lCtllf31 日fom6口口S fillD6 Cbofse O且 6COnolffiC口口O口6汀sfls且OYTll扯lOft.且*6paper also POinted out that the deficiency and fraltness of systematicchange had limited its Inductive and promotlve function In transformationof the economic growth mode.Thus,the paper put forward an idea ofStrtflth6fllflg lfistltlltlofl COflsttutlofl to ptoffiot6 tho 6SS6fltlaltransformation of the economic growth mode....
Keywords/Search Tags:Transformation
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