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E-commerce Law On

Posted on:2001-03-24Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:C ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1116360002452505Subject:Civil and Commercial Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the develoPment and aPPlication of the e-cotnmerce, the role of e-commrce law will become more twortant than everbefore in govedrig the connnercial relationshiPs. NeveAneless, the stUdy inthes axea is still a maiden field at least in China. Keeping thes in viCW some1egal issues in the field has been dealt with in the dissertation. It was concemedmaiIily all the basic nohons, the role, and the regulations of the e-commercelegal System.hi the first chaPtef, a general sUrVey of the e-cornmerce law has beenaddressed, in Which a deboon of the e-conunerce law has been proposed.The validty and effechveness of the data massage used in the e-cnunercewas discussed in the second chaPter ActUally the e-cnunerce law in its essenceis mainly focused on the data message between conunercial pwhes and itspurpose is intended to assure that electronic message used in conunercialactivity are llot the third chaPter, the nohon and the Valldity of electronic signatUre hasbeen discussed.Another vital factor conceming e-cotnmerce is cenification aUthorityWhich will be dealt with in the fourth chaPteLIn the last chaPtef, some legal issue regarding comPuter informationtransachon was talkd about such as the contract formation and performancewere the kev issues.
Keywords/Search Tags:E-commerce law, Data massage validity, Electronic signature, Certification authority, Computer information transaction
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