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On The Sustainable Development Of Mordern Agriculture In City Countryside

Posted on:2002-12-08Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y Z CaiFull Text:PDF
GTID:1116360032956433Subject:Agricultural economics and management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Based on the situation in Shanghai. this paper applys the theories of in tegration of city and countryside. agriculture in city countryside. agricultur- al modernization arid sustainable agricultural development to deal with the achiveruen t of national industrialization and modernization lie in agrieultura~ modernization ??integration of city and countryside -~-?urbanization of rural areas-??agriculture in city countryside this is the main clue of the paper. In the view cf history and reality with overall and system. this paper appl~is analysis method of combination of normative and positive. quantattve and qualitive. long-term and short-term and, internal, external arid Shang- hai to discuss relationship among agriculture in city countryside. agricultural modernization and sustainable developrncnt, the history. present and re- straint factors of sustainable development of modern agriculture in city coun- tryside in Shanghai is further analysed. So concepts. goals. index system. selective patterns, developmental strategys and measures of sustainable de- velopment of modern agriculture in city countryside are raisen. Therefore, this paper is consisted of the following eight sections. The first section mainly analyses relationship among agriculture in city countryside, agriculture in city countryside in Shanghai and national ittdus? 246 - trialization modernizationintegration of city and countryside - urbanization of rural areas agricultural modernizatin and sustainable a- gricultural development, raises the problem of sustainable development of modern agriculture in city countryside, in Shanghai. The second section is based on the theories of integration of city and countryside, agricultural modernization, agriculture in city countryside and sustainable development, the concept about sustainable development of modern agriculture in city countryside is defined and the goals and functions are determined. Through practical analysis of sustainable development of modern agri- culture in city countryside internal, the third section gives many practical enlightenments to Shanghai. Through practical analysis of sustainable development of modern agri? culture in city countryside external, the fourth section gives many practical experiences to Shanghai. The fifth section reviews the practical achievements and judges reached level of sustainable development of modern agriculture in city countryside in Shanghai. Through practical comparation of China and foreign country, restaint factors about sustainable development of modern agriculture in city countryside in Shanghai are analysed. The sixth section, the index system of sustainable development of mod- ern agriculture in city countryside in Shanghai is set to analyse and forcast the future development. The seventh section constructs chosen models of popularization by the tendency of sustainable development of modern agriculture in city country- side in future. Considering the aims and imitating internal and external experiences and lessons of sustainable development of modern agriculture in city coun? tryside, strategys and measures of the future sustainable development of modern agriculture in city countryside in Shanghai are put forward in the eighth section.
Keywords/Search Tags:Agriculture in city countryside, Agricultural Modernization, Sustainable Development, Integration of city and countryside.
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