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Theory Of Hi-tech Industry Funding

Posted on:2003-02-20Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:H F WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1116360065462043Subject:Industrial Economics
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Hi-tech Industries are taken fOr economy development engine and the, commanding eIevation of future economy by world. Most countries'~ government are focusing on the hi-tech industry. One of the strategies which~ Chinese government put fotward in the "Fifteenth DeveIopment Framework"highlight that China wiIl promot6 the economic construCtion adjustment byusing the hi-tech Industries and wiIl upgrade the industry and accelerate theindustrialization proceeding by the infOrmation industry in the recently fiveyear period. The development of the Hi-tech industry is endowed with theunconventionaIIy historicaI mission in our new industrialization proceedingsta9e. After china's entry into WTO, our hi-tech industry that is in the initialdeveIopment stage is f8cing the competition from the globaIization hi-techindustry. One of the key faCtors to impel Chinese hi-tech industry formationand development is that how to financing effeCtive to promote the hi-techindustry shaped and deveIopment. There are few research prOeCts on thistopic and furthermore fewer theories and praCtices methodologies. In thecurrent economic situation, the most important and needed tO be solvedtheory task is that how tO provide the theory and offer the practicalsuggestions for the hi-tech industry development through the combination oftheory and praCtical situation.This research is focusing on solving this problem and the goal is to offersome suggestions about the hi4ech industry funding system.This thesis consists of four parts-eight chapters. According to theresearch anaIysis method, from u the hi-tech industry charaCteristic anddevelopment mode---the capital fOrmative theory mode of Chinese hi-techindustry Ahe intemational praCticaI experiences of hi-tech industry--thepraCticaI methodologies and countermeasures of chinese hi-tech industrydeveIopment and funding system", it analyses the theories and practicalexperiences on hi-tech industry funding, then puts fOtward the theory~ framework and deveIopment strategies of hi-tech industry by combining the,~ theory and praCtical experiences, finaIly it brings fOrward the suggestions on. hi-tech industry financing fOrmation and continuous development.ln spite of the faCt that to study the industry development capitaIfOrmative problem frOm the view of the modern hi-tech industry development-is stiIl an unsoIved important theory probIem in the contemporary economicsarea, "Dualistic economy theory" and "Dualistic finance theory" are thetheory basis of the research in the thesis.In this papeF, it puts fotward the concept that under the condition ofcurrent economy system, through the studying of the hi-tech industryIitxNxb%charaCteristic, the conventional industrialization process" Dualistic economystruCture" didn't convert into the "monism ". The spring up of hitech industryand the appearance of the afterthe-industrialization societyinfOrmationIization formed the new dualiStic economy structure state. Theconventional industry suppIied the initiaI original capital accumulated andmanpower capital accumuIated fOr the deveIopment of hi-tech industry, inturn hi4ech industry provided the technologies and equipment for theupgrading of the conventionaI industry and finaIly resulted in the upgrading of f-the whole st8te economy struCture. The combination of the conventionaI 1duaIistic economy StruCture and the new dualistic ecpnomy struCture underthe hi-tech induStry fOrms a muItip1e "eriensive dualiStic economy struCture ".During the hi-tech industry deveIopment process, there exiSt the industrymain body 'dualistic configuration', market monopoly competition 'dualitymathet struCture and developmeof path 'duality path' inside the hi-techindustry Because of these iotercrossed each OtheF, the hi4ech induStrydevelopment economy system is featured with the int6raCtion of compounddualistic economy struCture. ln this paper it is caIIed as Super DuaIistic...
Keywords/Search Tags:Hi-tech Industry, Funding, Dualistic structure, Industry Development, Model.
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