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The Personal Income Distribution And Economic Development In China

Posted on:2004-01-24Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Q ChaiFull Text:PDF
GTID:1116360092498601Subject:Political economy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The Personal income distribution always 15 an outstanding toPie duringthe economic develoPing in today,5 China,whlch eould deePly affeet theestablishlnent of the market eeonomie system,the eontinuanee and the grov沈hof national economic,and soeial stabilization.Using the methods of EeonomieGrowth,Chaotic Eeonomics and Social Science,a Positive analysis was doneabout the Personal income difference and Pattems of ineome distribution intoday'5 China.Then,the relationshiP of the Personal income distribution andthe eeonomie develoPment was studied.Some suggestions of Poliey wereglven. Firstly, a review of the fundamental of the ineome distribution was given.Along the history of distribution system changes,a series of Positive analysiswere done about the state of the Personal income distribution,the Personalincome diflbrence between and inside the urban and rural China.It was saidthat the Personal income difference was sPread,but not Polarized while thePersonal ineome was inereasing. Seeondly, on the basie of the stu勿of the stratifieation and Pattems ofincome distribution in today'5 China,it 15 found that there were the"Strawhat,,eharaeteristic of the familial income and the"Dumbbell,'charaeteristie of theregional ineome difference in the urban China.Also were there the"p"eharaeteristie of the familial ineome differenee and the"Pyramid,,eharaeteristic of the regional income differenee in the rural China.Referred tothe soeial seienee,a Pattern of the Personal ineome distribution eomPosed ofhigh,middle and low ineome stratums in China was demonstrated·Anintemational eomParison also was done.Then,it was Proved by using themethod of Chaotic Eeonomies that the formation of the Pattern ofthe Personalineome distribution was due to dlfl七renees of income distribution functions. Thirdly,the influence of the Personal ineome differenee in China on theeeonomie develoPment was eonduet into three asPects.First asPeet was aboutthe consumption. The author proved that it is not the income distribution disparity influencing the level of people consumption but the unreasonable structure of income distribution. Then the author indicated that the polarization of financial assets was signification and the civilian investment has greatly promoted the development of economy. At last the influence of the current income distribution disparity of Chinese inhabitants was analyzed, and the Kaldor's model was revised. Accordingly, the middle income could prevent the polarization and promote the development of economy were demonstrated by economical means.Finally, Some suggestions of policy were given based on the following systematic analysis (including four aspects): the pluralism of civil income source ,the impact of economic system on civil income distribution , the influence on the process of civil income distribution exerted by economic growth and the result of civil income distribution under the influence of re-distribution policy. To demonstrate how economic growth could affect the process of civil income distribution, a deeply analysis of Kuznets' "inverse U hypothesis" was present by the means of the three-stratums of personal income distribution, drawing a further conclusion that Kuznets' "inverse U hypothesis" is not the certain law in the developing economic.
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