At present, a great importance has been attached to quality evaluation of cultivated land , and it is the job that need to be carried out urgently at present both in theory and in practice. In fact, cultivated land classification is a research to reveal the quality of cultivated land and the law of spatial distribution. So far, there is still devoid of an accurate, quick, easily implementation and extendsion, and easily to be understood and applied method for classification of cultivated land. Land classification is the most fundamental and effective measure to understand the law of land and the important basis of assuring land administration smoothly and high-effectively. Under the guidance of my tutor, a basic land investigation and cartography was carried out in the Wanbailin district of Taiyuan city, Shanxi province, China. At the same time, an idea about the relationship between the classification of cultivated land type and the land type was come into being, so this paper brings forward cultivated land classification method being suitable for research of cultivated land and applies it to the classification of land type in Wanbailin district.This paper begins from the definition of land, utilizes the idea that the land is an synthesis, and takes the land utilization synthesis as the quality evaluation unit of cultivated land.According to the concept of land synthesis, the factors in the definition of land, such as climate, topography and ground feature, soil, present condition of land utilization and human activities were fully analyzed. Based on the theory of systematic science, according to the actual conditions in the research area,. after fully considering all the natural factors of land construction(climate, terrain, soil, ground cover, hydrology and hydrogeology), the stable factors affecting the classification of land type at different degrees as criterion factors were taken in earring out classification.Based on scientific research, this paper has put forward cultivated land classification method being suitable for research of cultivated land. According to the actual conditions of the typical area —the Wanbailin district on the fringe of loess plateau, using system approach, beginning from each of the main factors of land constitution, taking topography and ground feature (altitude) ,soil(climate, terrain, soil, ground cover, hydrology and hydrogeology) as the basis the whole 286.31 km2 land of the Wanbailin district in Taiyuan City, belongs to loess plateau marginal terrain, was classified into 10 land types, 42 land subtypes and 309 land use syntheses of the method of three-grade classification of land type, land subtype and land use synthesis. With GIS supporting, a 1:35000 land type map was set up.Based on the practice, a new idea that if the present cultivated land classification can be used in classification of land type was offered. From the result of land type classification, the classification system of cultivated type grade, which reflect the quality of 4104.15 hectare of land in the Wanbailin district can be obtained. This three-grade classification includes 9 land types, 36 land sub-types and 51 land use syntheses distributed in 989 cultivated land plots, corresponding with 989 cultivated land evaluation units of factor method. According to the factors defining theseunits, estimation and estimation indexes were obtained, and then the 51 land use syntheses of the whole district were classified into 8 grades according to the grade scope. And with the support of GIS, the 1:35000 land type map of this district was drawn. Combined with the result of cultivated land classification by factor method, both methods were fully compared from the factor selection, weight choose, corresponding area of same grade, research thinking, etc. A conclusion was made that both factor method and type method can meet the need of classification of cultivated land classification in Wanbailin district. In addition, the result's reliability using typed method is above 90 percent. There are very high reliability for clas... |