Implementing cultivated land consolidation(CLC) is a feasible practical way to increase the acreage,improve the quality,realize the homeostasis of cultivated land amount through adding investment advancing the agricultural technology according to the order of nature. It is also a vital way to realize the sustainable development of our society , economy , and environment.This paper is the first one about the research of the factors and resource conditions influencing the CLC putting into practice in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region.Based on the factors and resource conditions which deciding the practice of CLC, referring to the history of cultivated land exploitation and utility, combining the utility circumstances , the agricultural land using conditions and the problems ,. the background of CLC in Ningxia, the evaluating factor system about the potential of CLC was established. Choosing Litong County in Wuzhong city as an experimental place, the author established the mathematical model in order to evaluate the potential of the CLC based on the comprehensive factor derived from every concerned factor about the CLC in every county (town) in Ningxia. It also gave us the main goals and directions of CLC in the future, and analysised the economica, social and environmental affections, found the problem While putting CLC into practice in Ningxia.The main contents of #The research of cultivated land consolidation inNingxia Hui Autonomous Region are: 1.Exordium, which includes the researching questions about CLC, the researching direction of Land exploitation and consolidation inside and outside our country, the comprehension about CLC nowadays. 2.The history of land exploitation and utility in Ningxia, which includes the historical characteristics of land exploitation and utility in Ningxia. 3.The factors and conditions of land resources concerned with the CLC, deeply analyzed the physica, social and economical environment, as well as the resource qualifications. 4.The research about the potential of CLC in Ningxia, including the researching procedure, the evaluating method about CLC and a sample research of Litong County in Wuzhong City. 5.The potential and the profit evaluation of CLC in Ningxia, including the potential, the plan scheme and the profit while putting CLC into practice. 6.The countermeasures of CLC in Ningxia, including the theories about putting CLC into practice, the important items to sustain the CLC in Ningxia nowadays, the problems while putting CLC into practice, how to accelerate the CLC and the structure adjustment in agriculture each other inorder to enhance the efficiency of cultivated land utility, the establishment oftechnological standards about CLC in Ningxia. 7.Conclusion and question, according to the drought and water shortcoming situations , weak environment circumstances, the author gave us the strategy of CLC in Ningxia. That is: improving water and soil erosion situation in southern area, solving the desert trouble at midst area, changing the salty situation of land in northern area. The practice of CLC should be combined firmly with the structureadjustment in agriculture in order to realize the aims both of the CLC and increasing the farmer's income, leading the people to be better off in rural eara in Ningxia. At the end of this articl, the author thinks that it should be put into research deeply in the future about how to set up the CLC market mechanism and how to perform the CLC in market in Ningxia. |