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An Ethical Examination Into Administrative Power Action

Posted on:2005-12-18Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z W MengFull Text:PDF
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The division of "good administration" and "evil administration" is basically the division of administrative ethics. The choice between "good" and "evil" of its actins demonstrates whether a government is just or unjust and reflects the fundamental nature and value orientation of a government. The subject of an administrative power is sure to choose a power operation mechanism (including thinking, mode, means and ways) that is identical with its value orientation. Administrative power action and moral action are at once identical with and opposing to each other. To regularize and restrain administrative power, it is necessary to build up a law system and a set of moral code so as to effectively govern the action choice of the subject of administrative power.The division of "good administration" and "evil administration" shows clearly human conflicts and human harmony. It demonstrates the means , ways , purpose , result of the subject in his/her pursuit of power or operation of power rather than his/her desire for power. Therefore, it is necessary to design a scientific power, monitor system so as to realize the goal of "harmonious management".The division of "good" and "evil" reflects the value orientation of the power subject in his/her administrative and moral actions. "Good administration" is based on a rational public order, a balance between public welfare and personal interests, social justice, democratic and responsible administration and unity of impartiality and efficiency, and "evil administration", vice versa.The division of "good" and "evil" demonstrates the contest between just and unjust actions of an administration power. To persevere in "good" administration, it is necessary to build up a just government of the people, which refers not only to the rationality and lawfulness of its power operation. To persevere in "good administration" means using powerwithin the limit of law and under the guidance of moral code. Contrary to this, unjust actions of an administration power will ultimately lead to "evil administration".The division of "good" and "evil" manifests the utilitarian ethics of an administrative power. To persevere in "good administration ", it is necessary to adhere to the principle of "new public right ", achieve a harmony between public right and private right, protect lawful private interests, restrain public right in a scientific way and prevent any abuse and corruption of power. To use power for the pursuit of personal interests or the interests of a small group at the expense of the state and the whole human society is typical of an "evil administration".The division of "good" and "evil" is fundamentally the division of democratic administration and autocratic administration. The enforcement of democratic administration requires a democratic government, which will truly protect any right of the people and truly let the people be the masters of their own country. A democratic government is expected to persevere in democratic administration, carry out a humane management in which the people are encouraged to participate, and follow the principle of using the power for the people. Democratic administration should be such as sees the people as the main body in running the country and views their interests as its highest interests. Contrary to this, neglect of the right and interests of the broad masses will ultimately lead to "evil administration".The division of "good" and "evil" manifests the division of "responsible administration" and "hypocritical administration". To enforce "good administration" demands a responsible and honest government which fulfills its sociah politicah law> work and moral responsibilities. Contrary to this, deferred power, infinite power and absolute power will lead to "evil administration". Responsible administration requires using power in a rational, prudent and clean way and preventing any abuse and...
Keywords/Search Tags:administrative power action, humanity, value, justice, utilitarianism, democracy, responsibility, Personality
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