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Thesis Topic: Sovereignty Gambling-The Interacting Relations Between Sovereignty States And International Organizations Under The Background Of Globalization

Posted on:2008-11-01Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:L H ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1116360215953099Subject:Political Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
IntroductionThe nation- states have been the core of the political lives of human beings after the Westphalia System formed. But the status of nations'sovereignty and states is challenged by international organizations on the condition of globalization and mutual existences deepen day by day. The sovereignty states are the core of politics and international politics research, which are the fundamentally behavioral bodies. However, international organizations are the most influential bodies in addition to states in present world, which have great correlations both in exterior processes and interior logic. The process of international organizations will have direct influence to the sovereignty of states. Therefore this paper analyzes the different functions, processes and correlations of international organizations and sovereignty states under the background of globalization and with the proposition of the sovereignty games. So we can profoundly understand the changes of the international society, furthermore, we can comprehensively understand the behavioral models and interacting relations of sovereignty states and international organizations.Chapter I: The Basic Implication and the Stratification Analysis of SovereigntyIf we want to analyze sovereignty games, first we have to make the standard research to the elementary theory connotation of sovereignty. This chapter clears and limits the concept, the developing veins and the dialectical stratification's analysis of sovereignty. The main point is that the sovereignty is the basic characteristic of nation-states. It produced along with the production of nation-states systems in modern times. The sovereignty is the highest authority of the states, the inherent attribution of states, and the inherent highest authorities that a nation-state owes when it independently processes all things both home and abroad. It is the foundation and the most important integrant factor of nation-states. The essential content of sovereignty is the state interest.The sovereignty is a developing concept. If we want to analyze the concept of sovereignty correctly, we have to associate with the specific time and space. The development vein of sovereignty theory is the classical sovereignty theory, the limited sovereignty and the denial sovereignty theory. But the denial sovereignty theory is worth criticizing, so long as the states are still the most basic behaviors in the national relations, the sovereignty principle is the basic criterion of international laws which cannot be surmounted. Seeing from the dialectical analysis of the sovereignty that the localization of the sovereignty is both abstract and concrete, both absolute and relative, both highest and stratified. From the stratified analysis, the attribution of the sovereignty is divided into inside and the outside; the intention of sovereignty is divided into the essence and the concrete authority; the sovereignty is divided into the national level and the system level.Chapter II: The Bodies of Games: Sovereignty States and International OrganizationsThis chapter mainly analyzes the theoretical contents and interior relations of sovereignty states and international organizations which are the games bodies. The main standpoint of this chapter is that the international organizations become the most important international power and behavioral bodies. However, the ability of international coordination of international organizations strengthens along with the swift development of economical globalization.The states are the products of contradictions among different classes. The construction of Westphalia System in 1648 symbolized the formation of the nation-states. The sovereignty is the most important symbol of countries, so the nation-states are called sovereign states. International organizations are constructed by sovereignty states, which are products of international relationships'development. Its production and growth have experienced a historical process. The demand of multilateral contact of the formation of multi-national system is the premise of international organizations'reduction. The Europe coordination, the International Administrative Alliance and the Hague system are three different origins of international organizations in 19th century, and they paved the way for the establishment and the development of international organizations in 20th century. The League of Nations and the United Nations are produced one after another, which indicates universality and politics of the international organizations. This symbolized that the international organizations enters to the time of vigorous development. Sovereignty states and international organizations have intrinsically logic relations. The states are the independent bodies of international law. Although the international organizations are the main- bodies of the international laws that have independent rights, their authority are awarded and alienated by the sovereignty states. All the international organization's rights abilities and behavioral abilities in laws are impossible to exist without the sovereignty states. Therefore, the international organizations are a kind of derived bodies of international laws. We also can see the differences between the two main bodies in organization shapes from the comparison of the constitutions and the types between sovereignty states and international organizations.Chapter III the Change of Game bodies'statusThis chapter discusses the change of game bodies'status. Firstly, it analysis's the process of the change and comes to the regularly cognition: that sovereign states held a leading post and the international organizations had tiny influence before the 20th century while the international organizations had restrictions on the sovereign states and the sovereignty alienation appeared after the 20th century. The trend of the weakening of state sovereignty deepened with the promoting of the globalization. Secondly, analyzing performances of the change of the bodies'status, international organizations have a deeper influence to sovereignty states and confront them with unprecedented challenges under globalization background. The impact of the international organizations on the nations shows in the independence reduction in political,economy and society culture. Nation's function is more and more alienated and weakened .And the authority and legitimacy of the state sovereignty are weakened and traditional border of the state is becoming blurred. Thirdly, the correct understanding of the change of the sovereign status. 1. Why does it alienation? Needing to clear that limited alienation to the state sovereign is the result of judging the comparative merits and demerits and the rational choice after weighing the pros and cons. 2.The state power is alienated actively. Autonomy and equality and share are the three principles which are the intrinsic characteristics of active alienation of the state sovereignty. Active alienation differs from inactive alienation that it is on the basis of volunteering rather than losing and ceding of the state sovereignty. The state decides the way and the quantity of the alienation. 3. Therefore, the alienation of the state sovereignty is not on the lost and the weakness of the sovereignty, but to seek greater long—term nation interests by sharing the sovereignty assemblage in a larger contest.Chapter IV the Function and the Power Analysis of the GameBodies'power and functions are the effective exemplas, and both explain the part reality of the interaction relation. The function exemplum attaches more importance to analysis from the system level, recognizing the limitation of the nation as a variable. And the power exempla take the state-centered perspective, and pays attention to the exclusive request of the state itself. Project to the current state of international relations, the issues on the states and international organizations are both relevant to the two basic background judgments that what do the states judge the economic globalization and whether the international organizations can ease the security dilemma in international anarchy state? This chapter analysis the change of the power function between states and international organizations and the change of the power function between globalization and states. The functional analyzing: sovereignty states depend on the international organizations. Power constraints: states control of international organizations. Neoliberalism holds that system can put some game interactions under the control of permanent rules and provide information for other states'action and develop the standards of judging fraud. Systems can work through these mechanisms and the international organizations serve different functions and their achievements are not the lots of the agreements, but providing a constant Negotiations institution to maintain the continuity of interrelations dialogue. From this perspective, international organizations have great significance on easing the security dilemma. In the international anarchy state. Its development may change the behavior. Globalization which does not mean that weakened the state functions, on the contrary, new historical conditions raised higher demands and highlight the it's status and role. So globalization more strengthens the nation's responsibility, survival and adaptation ability than reducing the country's power.ChapterⅤGambling goal: Obtaining benefits togetherThe goal of game theory lies in indicating to the behavior that: They will be able to find the most favorable way according to the calculation method of gambling theory under the condition that all rational participants want to win or maximize their income. During the interactive process between sovereignty states and international organizations, they all want to maximize their benefits, and then win in the game. The development of globalization has caused tremendous changes to the international relations, and also has caused profound changes to the structure of international society. Game always carries on gambling under different strategic structure. Participants have common interests, but meanwhile they are also in the competitive relations, they both can have absolute income which is not only feasible but also possible through the cooperation. It is guarantee game. International relations are no longer a "zero-sum" game in essence, but are double wins and collective benefits which are based on a relationship of mutual interdependence.Constructivism provides us with a new angle of views to analyze national interests: It thinks that the national interest is not primitively decided or waits to be found; it is constructed through the social interaction. The constructed national interest is not only inferred from the national interior objective conditions but also the national interior material conditions. The standard of social structure also has influence on national interest. In the system perspective, national interest is shaped by the international sharing standards and values. Countries make independent restriction and alienation on the issue of sovereignty is aiming at maximizing state interests and extends the state sovereignty in sharing. At the expense of the necessary compromises and concessions, countries can take full advantage of resources in the world and re-build the national interest at the minimum cost through the platform of international organizations.The imbalance during the process of the rebuilding of the national interest. Globalization is not the sharing of opportunity and interest for all countries, non-symmetric interdependence is obvious, under the condition of interdependence, state sovereignty will appear as the following patterns which are central countries, half edge countries and edge countries. Non-symmetric game is a typical persuading game whose characteristic is non-symmetric game. Finally the consequence appears: The result of cooperation is that income of one side is small, but the income of another is big. This game occurs in the situation that the arrangement of power is not symmetric in international systems.Chapter VI: the Rational Choice and Localization of ChinaThe challenge from the globalization to the country and the solution will be the core questions in the process of globalization and also the questions must be confronted in 21st during national development. In this significance, the national rationality plays a decisive role. In the time of globalization, only the states which can adapt and correctly Solute can survive and develop. The key spot is that states must explicitly know about the position that they take in globalization, including the superiority and the inferiority and the role that country should act .As for China which is the biggest developing country, if she wants to display the function of great nation and moves towards the world, international organization is an important way that we carry on international cooperation and take part in international competition. How can China carry on rational choice and strategic localization? This chapter analyzes from three aspects as fellows: the developing process of relationships between China and international organizations; the interacting relations between China and international organizations; China positively faces the international organizations and rebuild national interests.ConclusionThe conflicts between international organizations and sovereignty of states are not irreconcilable, international organizations and sovereignty states are the contradictory entity .The interaction relations that they restrict and influence mutually are called game relations. Through the analysis of the changes in status, authority and functions of game bodies, we can see that the influence and functions of international organizations and sovereignty states have differently developing tendency in different stages. There are situations that state sovereignty has been weakened and alienated, however, such restrictions are the alienations to some extent and in some areas. Such kind of alienations is on the basis of voluntary. The partial alienations of the state sovereignty is voluntary, coordinated and conditional rather than being forced, inequality and unconditional. The national sovereignty obtains inevitable extension when it receives certain restraint. International organizations are mechanisms and platforms of the national interests and power-sharing extending. In the guarantee game, gambles all can obtain their incomes to different degree which is a result of mutuality, coexistence and altogether wins. China's rational choice and localization should be taking the active participation and cooperation strategies and taking into account the interests of other countries and seek common benefit and achieve a win-win situation in building and developing the international organizations and rebuilding the national interests.
Keywords/Search Tags:International
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