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Sports Classification System Of Natural And Ecological Development

Posted on:2011-11-08Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:F GuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:1117330332472443Subject:Physical Education and Training
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The twenty-first century, with human development, technological progress, economic prosperity, living standards improve, people have more wealth, quality of life in the most demand for higher and higher. However, the rapid development of modern society caused by the ecological damage, overpopulation, energy crisis and a series of survival crisis, the crisis of civilization, human beings lost in the great achievements in transforming nature. When problems arise when human health, nature, far away from the long-suppressed desire and the body of the original ability to make people sober. No healthy person, there can be a healthy development. Sports as an effective means of improving health has long been recognized, The 21st century, people continue to be close to nature into the nature of sports, the formation of a large number of new projects of sports-Modern natural sport. China is a country with a population 1.3 billion, sports a "naturalized" will sport the space to the sea, land and air expansion of the full range of three-dimensional environment, which will also accompany many ecological problems. Caused by human production and life combined with ecological pollution, the human environment continued to deteriorate. History is marching ahead tip, whether it is human nature or necessity, the development will always pay the price, the key is to look at how we deal with and solve human problems. Therefore, the natural ecology of sports development should address the following ten areas; 1. Building global ecological order 2. The construction of global ecological partnership 3. Proposed the concept of sports ecology for the ecological development of the theoretical basis 4. Establish environmental protection policies, the implementation of effective environmental legislation, additional legislation in sports articles related to the ecological5. Strengthen environmental management, environmental resource protection, and appropriate development and joint management of various departments of both 6. To establish an international ecological organizations, to strengthen the international organizations and international ecological cooperation between sports organizations 7. Centralization system and market mechanisms co-exist in the whole country system-oriented, highlighting the regional characteristics 8. strengthen ecological ethics, vigorously implement ecological education 9. vigorously promote the eco-industry and eco-engineering construction 10. the development of ecological economy, the use of high-tech means of natural sports plan. Start to protect the sportof modern natural ecological development. The retrospective nature of the origins of physical education, scientists from the sixteenth century French naturalist Jean Jacques Rousseau's educational idea, look at China's ancient civilization and the natural health sports, across from the exploration of human nature-to conquer nature-transforming nature-use of natural The process, based on the currentthinking on ecological hot spots, the concept of the modern natural definition of PE. Also, the basic theory of sports as a starting point for research to ecology theory as a support and the theory of sustainable development as an entry point to the natural ecology of the sport as a study end point. Explore the modern nature of sport to promote ecological health of the ecology of human development path.
Keywords/Search Tags:Natural Sports, ecology, Classification System, ecological environment, path
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