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Risk Analysis Of The Impact Of Nano Technology On Society

Posted on:2011-03-15Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:K ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1117330338483165Subject:Industrial Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As a new technology in the development process of human being, nanotechnology has affected the life of each person gradually and it will have an impact on the earth and society greatly as the nuclear technology, the information technology and biotech revolutions did on our daily lives. We can benefit from the research and development of nano technology, such as the cure of many cancers and sophisticated disasters, the decontamination of polluted water, soil and air, improving the quality of people's lives, etc. But like any other science and technology, nano technology will have its unintended consequences as well as its intended ones. And some negative effects and risks have not caused the sufficient attentions. Most of researchers and optimists put their eyes on its positive advantages, and ignore the passive affections.Prof. Friedrich Steinh(?)usler puts forward a formula for assessing the risks of nanotechnology. According this formula, there are five factors that should be considered and discussed: the probability of motivation to develop and deploy nano technology, the probability of owning the technical and operational capability to develop and deploy nano technology, the primary and secondary consequences due to the deployment of nano technology, the effectiveness of countermeasures capable of reducing the detrimental effects due to nano technology.In this paper, we focus on discussion and research on the security risks because of the development and application of nano technology by the military countries and districts, and the possible terrorists. In the chapter 3, we have discussed the motivation of military and terrorists that why they want to use nano technology and nano weapons in the future. In the chapter 4, we have analyzed the current researches of many countries and districts, such as USA, EU, China, Japan, Russia, etc. if they have the capability to develop nano technology and manufacture nano weapons, and the possible channel that the terrorists get the nano technology and nano weapons. Many nano weapons from guns, tanks, plans and satellites to nano sized bacteria and virus are also mentioned that how the advanced weapons to satisfy the needs of its owners. In the chapter 5, we have discussed the direct effects of nano technology due to the military and terrorists: the threat to the peace and stability of the whole world, modernizing the future warfare, criminals and terrorists would be rampancy, the nanotech arms race just like what had happened during the Cold War, the catastrophe of people and society due to uncontrolled usage of nano chemical and biological weapons, the change of current international situation, and the nano pollution to the environment, etc. In chapter 6, we have discussed the indirect effects to the culture, economic disruption, society instability, the misuse of gray goo and the people's panic, etc. In the chapter 7, we have brought out many possible countermeasures and analyzed the effectiveness of these countermeasures from the military countries'administration and international cooperation, scientists'self-discipline to the supervision to the terrorists. In the last chapter, we develop and illustrate several operations research risk modeling approaches (Monte Carlo, goal programming, stochastic programming, and desirability function models) for a range of nano technology research, laboratory, and production contexts-spanning the continuum from fume hood design to production optimization to regulatory policy. Analytical Hierarchy Process is used to evaluate the reasons and motivation of terrorists of deploying nanotech. As concern as the against-terror mission, the conflicts of nations and religions should be reconciled besides developing nanotech, which could eliminate the terrorism ultimately. Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Model is carried out to evaluate the risks that Austria will face to due to nanotech development and terrorists'application. The utility of these methods is demonstrated for helping to develop better understanding of the relative risks, benefits, and tradeoffs necessary to maximize nano technology's great potential.
Keywords/Search Tags:Nano technology, Risks Analysis, Nano weapons, Security risks, Nano terrorism
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