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Effect Of Ecological Factors On Physical Activity Of Urban Adolescents In China

Posted on:2013-01-03Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:S GeFull Text:PDF
GTID:1117330374450127Subject:Physical Education and Training
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The quality of the national constitution is an important symbol of social civilization and progress. And the development of national adolescent physical health can also reflect the physical. National of the State Constitution and state of health can be seemed as the manifestation of their political, economic, cultural and comprehensive national strength. Considering that youth as the basis for the development of a country, more and more scholars pay attention on the youth physical health problems all over the world.Physical activity has an important impact on the physical health. The purpose of this study is to analyse the influence factors on physical activity of adolescents based on the ecological model. According to the ecological health theory, the four types of influence factors are:1) physical and demographic,2) psychological,3) social support, and4) environment. It is noted that these factors that influce the physical activity of adolescents are respectively from the different level of the ecological model, which are intrapersonal, interpersonal and environment. The hypothesis of this study is all the factors above are correlated with physical activity of adolescents based on the ecological model. And the result shows that all the levels which include in the ecological model associate with the physical activity of adolescents in China.In addition, this article also compared the differences in the studies of the physical activity of adolescents between the United State and China. By drawing on advanced research methods in the United States and considering the actual situation in China, the author developed a Chinese youth ecological health model. This paper aimed to create a good external environment for the development of adolescents' health in China and to make some suggestions.
Keywords/Search Tags:ecological model, adolescents, physical activity, constitution, health
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