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The Integrated Effects Of Different Exercise And/or Supplementation Interventions On The β Cells Of Pancreatic Islet In Streptozotocin-diabetic Rats: Apoptosis, Anagenesis And Insulin Secratory Function

Posted on:2002-01-17Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:H WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1117360092460155Subject:Human Movement Science
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This study was designed to assess the impact of physical training and /or supplements on blood variables and the islet P cells of Streptozotocin-diabetic rats (SDR). 104 male Wister rats with a mean initial body weight of 195 ?10g were used for this study. Diabetes was induced after an 18-hour fast by one time injection of streptozotocin 55mg/kg (provided by Sigma), The all SDR were divided into 10 subgroups for 6 weeks after induction of diabetes, they are sedentary (D), creatine (DC, 2mg/ml), chromium picolinate (DCr, 20mcg/ml), vanadyl sulfate (DV, 1.25mg/ml) in drink water, exercise trained (DE, endurance; DR, resistance), exercise trained with supplementation (DECr, chromium picolinate with endurance, DEV, vanadyl sulfate with endurance, DRCr, chromium picolinate with resistance , DRV, vanadyl sulfate with resistance). The normal rats were randomly distributed into sedentary (N) and exercise trained (E, endurance; R, resistance) groups at the same time.Glucose concentration in the tail blood of rats were assessed before, 24 hours later and every 2 weeks. Other blood parameters including Insulin, free C peptide, Glucagons, 26 microelements (Cr, V, Zn, Mn, etc.), NO, NOS, HDL, TC and TG etc. At the end of 6-week training and supplementation, program, The five steps detection of pancreatic 3 cell, including apoptosis, anagenesis and insulin secratory function, examination methods adopted in former four steps are immunity cytochemistry (IGSS), Mallory especial colouration, TUNEL (Terminal Deoxyncletidyl transferase midiated d-UTP nick end labeling), TEM (Transmission electron microscope).The last step is integration study by SPSS statistic software version 10.0. Most of multi variables analysis ways were used. The integrated effects of Physical activity and/or supplementation interventions on peripheral blood parameters, insulin secratory function, β cells (apoptosis, anagenesis) and insulin stores in islet.We investigated effects of 6 weeks supplementation and/or exercise interventions what were obtained as following:1. Significant reduced fasting glucose was found in any one of intervention groups of Endurance training, creatine. vanadyl sulfate (VS) or chromium picolinate (CPi) on SDR (P<0.05), excepting the resistance training group. Any intervention of training combined supplementation models can more significantly reduce the sustained hyperglycemia and the area below the OGTT glucose curve (P<0.01). The most effective was found in DEV group.2. Any intervention model of training combined supplementation can significantly reduce peripheral insulin metabolic abnormalities and pancreatic P -cell dysfunction in SDR. In the most aspects of glucose, TG, TC metabolism, insulin and free C peptide levels could be enhanced, when the data of fasting glucose and insulin were expressed as HOMA's HBCI(Index of 3 cell function),Impaired glucose tolerance, HBCI and a state of insulin deficiency in islets also were improved more (P<0.01) The different of training models may not be the absolute limitation to diabetes3. The results revealed that the effects of training intervention are different between normal and diabetes rats even at same training way. This hints that we can't take some relative principles and understands from exercise biochemistry based on normal organism into diabetes situation directly. Some unknown paths under exercise interventions would change the metabolism turbulences' reactions.4. we found pancreatic & cell apoptosis, which revealed different extensions in D, DR, DRCr, DE, DECr, however, the DRV, DECr, DEV and all normal groups show negative results. The most important phenomena is anagenesis of pancreatic β cell were found in DRV, DECr, DEV groups. The intraislet insulin stores and 3 cell in islet were also significantly improved (P<0.01) .5. Several minerals , Zn,Cr, V, Mn, Co, Ce etc. , from 27 tested elements of blood, have significant correlations with the secretory function and β cell percentage of pancreatic islets. This would means the balance of elements...
Keywords/Search Tags:Diabetes, integrated, pancreatic @ cell, apoptosis, insulin, Cpeptide, creatine, vanadyl sulfate, chromium picolinate, kinematics
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