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Analysis On The Principal's Leadership And Its' Development

Posted on:2010-10-01Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y F LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:1117360275494744Subject:Leadership education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the view of leadership science, principal's leadership is the influence that reflects in the process of leadership activity. As the low-level leader in the education system, the responsibility of the principal is different from that of the high-level leader and that of other industry leaders, thus, the principal's leadership has its own characteristics.As a comprehensive quality, principal's leadership is the unity of knowledge, ability and values. Among them, knowledge is the foundation and it is the prerequisite for principal's leadership activities; ability is the core and it directly determines the process of the principal's leadership activity; values are the soul and they determine the direction of principal's leadership activity. They three coexist in the principal's leadership activity and bring about the generation and the operation of the principal's leadership.The principal's leadership is in all areas of the school. But it isn't the simple addition of separated leadership in various fields. As the school leader, the impact of the principal on the school is overall and comprehensive. And this requires us study the principal's leadership systemically from the perspective of the overall development of the school.The dissertation begins with the analysis on the definition, characteristics, type and composition of the principal's leadership (Chapter I), next it discusses the contents of the principal's leadership specific components (Chapter II to Chapter VI), then it probes into the development of the principal's leadership (Chapter VII) and finally it summarizes the relevant issues on this dissertation.To influence the school staff and the school stake-holders actively and lead them to achieve the intended school objectives, the principal must have a certain degree of leadership abilities. From the view of leadership process, principal's ability includes decision-making ability, execution ability, team-building ability and communication ability. Therefore, after the analysis on the definition, characteristics, type and composition of the principal's leadership, the dissertation discusses these four abilities respectively. Whether the principal makes decision correctly and timely not only determines school's present operation, but also its future. Thus, to conduct leadership activity smoothly, the principal must have a certain degree of decision-making abilities. In content, decision-making ability covers strategic-decision ability, daily-decision ability and crisis-decision ability. In order to make decision more correctly, the principal should make efforts in the following areas: to interpret relative policy correctly, to hold right values, to have a wide insight, to capture the key issues, to pay a high attention to investigation and to take account into different opinions.Whether the school can win the competition lies not only on the correctness of the decision, but also on the extent the decision implemented. Therefore, to possess execution ability and make school's decision reality is the principal's responsibility. And also it is the key to enhance the school's competitiveness. To upgrade the school execution, the principal must improve himself, strengthen the institution establishment, improve the supervisory mechanism and pay attention to the communication outside the school.People is the most precious resource, therefore, to build a coherent and high-quality school team is not only the good measure to raise the principal's leadership efficiency, but also the key to improve the school's competitiveness. To build school team, the principal should do the followings: to flatten the school frame, to implement attributive leadership, to care for teachers' needs, to learn to motivate, to build collaborative culture and to guild the informal groups correctly.In order to transform his ideas into the school staff's action and to make all the people related to school dedicate to the school objectives, the principal should posses certain communication abilities. In order to enhance his communication effectiveness, the principal need to take the following measures : to get rid of all kinds of communi -cation barriers, to apply various communication methods, to broaden the channels of communication, to improve communication ways, to promote self-image and to adhere to scientific communication principles.To lead effectively, in addition to have certain abilities, the principal also must possess relative knowledge quality. From the degree of developing his leadership, the principal should master a broad range of general knowledge, solid professional know -ledge, systematic pedagogical and psychological knowledge, scientific administration knowledge, skilled leadership knowledge, other relevant theoretical knowledge and rich practical knowledge. As an influencing activity, leadership involves ethics, and its effectiveness depends not only on the leader's knowledge and ability, but also on the leader's values. In order to enhance his leadership, the principal should hold the service values, people -oriented values and innovation values.The leadership is an acquired quality. The development of principal's leadership is a systematic project, which needs the principal, the principal training, the principal management institution and the leadership environment to work together.
Keywords/Search Tags:Principal, Leadership, Development
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