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Study On Decision-making Models Of University Development Planning Based On CIPP Mode

Posted on:2017-03-16Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:J S YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1227330509954533Subject:Education Leadership and Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Decision-making is the process of making decisions, which is one of the typical phenomenon and basic activity of human society, and runs through the whole organization management process. University organization is a decision-making organization, which often needs to make decisions and then take actions. Correct decisions are important methods to implement the development desire and to achieve the anticipated goals by taking efficient actions. It reflects the ability of human to understand and reconstruct the objective world and to seek and implement certain optimal anticipated goals.Planning is a programme made by human to understand and change their self-condition and to adapt the external environment. It is important methods to implement the development desire and to achieve the anticipated goals, which includes the whole process from setting goals to finding methods to implement the goals. University development planning and decision-making are interconnecting, interdependent and complementary, driving the university organization to develop continuously. On the one hand, decision-making affects university’s future development, and provides important substance for planning. On the other hand, planning makes decisions concrete. The rationality and the effectiveness of decisions are to be verified by the implementation of development planning. Thus, university development planning and decision-making are unified by the function implementation and the development of university organization.Decision-making of university development planning is a common phenomenon in universities, and is an important step of university strategy management. Decision-making is so important to university development that it determines the success or failure of university development directly. At present, decision-making of university development planning has some practical dilemmas such as: The evaluation standard is vague, The procedure is unreasonable, The use of information is inadequate, The execution is weak and the effectiveness evaluation is neglected. However, the prospect of decision-making is quite bright. Decision-making of university development planning will be more rational and effective, and the functional role of planning will be better revealed and played in the future. It could drive the developing of universities faster and better.Decision-making of university development planning is a systematic dynamic sustained process. It includes the establishment of development planning goals, the selection of the target schemes of planning, the examination and feedback of the planning progress and execution, the accomplishment degree of the goals as it is due, along with the assessment of the interests-related persons’ satisfaction degree. This series of decision-making highly agrees with CIPP mode(Context evaluation, Input evaluation, Process evaluation and Product evaluation). In the process of establishing, implementing and evaluating of university development planning, different decisions are to be made. CIPP mode is applicable and feasible when it applied to the evaluation of decision-making of university development planning. This can provide analysis framework for decision-making of university development planning and make it more systematic, rational and developmental.Models are an important thinking method for problem solving during decision-making, and are the bridge between practice and theory. Based on CIPP mode, there are 4 models for decision-making of university development planning: Goals establishment(Decision analysis model), Planning conditions presupposition(Scheme selection model), Planning execution evaluation(Effectiveness examination model), Output of planning results(Achieving satisfaction model). Decision analysis model is aimed to determine the planning development goals. Based on the principle of concentration and differentia, by analyzing the present situation and background of university development, it determines the strategic goals and the planning key points of university development planning rationally through the analytic hierarchy process. Scheme selection model is aimed to determine feasible schemes for the implementation of university development planning. We could propose several concrete development planning schemes based on the goals and each index’s weight of university development planning, and then estimate the feasibility and rationality of each planning scheme through the analytic hierarchy process and fuzzy integral model based on specific judgment standard to determine rational and feasible schemes for university development planning. Effectiveness examination model evaluates the control, execution, supervision and information feedback of university development planning schemes. It could find out the problems existed in the scheme execution process immediately through linear regression model, and then adjust the schemes accordingly. Achieving satisfaction model depicts the progress of university development planning schemes, evaluates the satisfaction degree of university development planning schemes through the analytic hierarchy process, and explains the scheme execution results and judges and concludes the agreement of the execution results and anticipated goals at last.To apply the 4 decision-making models, it is needed to establish relative decision evolution index system. The decision analysis model serves for determine planning goals. Adopting rationality standard, it mainly measures the standardization of the establishment of planning, the rationality of planning goal making and the novelty of university developing requirements. The scheme selection model makes presupposition selection of planning implementation condition schemes. Adopting feasibility standard, it mainly measures the feasibility of the realization of planning scheme, the condition and the matching ability of planning implementation. The effectiveness examination model serves for planning implementation. Adopting implementation standard, it mainly measures the universities’ identification degree, the support investment, the progress and the validity of planning during the implementation. The achieving satisfaction model serves for result output examination. Adopting effectiveness standard, it mainly measures the progress of the planning goals and the satisfaction degree of the interests-related persons to the results and the effects of planning implementation.At last, the “12th Five-Year Plan” of Chongqing normal university was taken as an example for empirical analysis, in order to test the practical application process of the goal established decision-making analysis model, the condition input scheme selection model, the planning executed effectiveness examination model and the result output achieving satisfaction model. It provided practical examples for the spreading of decision-making models of university development planning, and provided effective methods for making new planning decisions. At the same time, it analyzed the deficiencies and problems of the 4 decision-making models during the application process, and proposed to further consider the influence of subjective differences by different decision-maker to the decision results, which will increase the data’s reliability and facticity, and make the decision-making of university development more professional, rational and reasonable, therefore promote the rationality, feasibility, execution and effectiveness of the decision-making of university development planning.
Keywords/Search Tags:CIPP mode, University development planning, Decision-making model
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