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Evolving Logic And Rebuilding Dimensions In "Publicness" Of Administration

Posted on:2014-10-13Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y Q ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1316330398954801Subject:Administrative Management
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Public administration, either as a subject or a governance activity, its public characteristic and the aim of achieving public interest have determined that its development can never avoid the searching and pursuit of its core values-"publicness". As human society is entering the post-industrial era, the public crisis in the field of public administration is becoming more an more apparent, coupled with the prevalence of "technologism" in the theory and practice of public administration, which have placed the questioning of "publicness" value on the edge position. The decline of publicness not only makes the public administration face with identity crisis which hampers the sound development of this discipline, but also constitutes a serious challenge to today's governance reasonablity and even legitimacy. In this sense, by consciously constructing the theoretical connotation of publicness of administration and objectively analysising its historical evolution logic, this dissertation analyses and imagines the revival and rebuilt of the publicness in public administration.This dissertation argues that pubicness of public administration is the result of social field classification in the public characteristic of the whole social community as the social structure changes. Based on public interest, publicness of public administration can be summarized from metaphysical thinking as the a value criteria and its consensus of administrative body to safeguard the supremacy of public interests, and from dialectic thinking as administrative body taking the safeguard and realize of public interests as fundamental starting point and final purport of their thought and action. Through a retrospective historical analysis, we can see the publicness of administration has experienced such a historical trajectory:the embryonic stage as the form of "commonness", the generation stage as the form of "superficial publicness", the sprout stage as the form of "substantial publicness". From the logic of generation, publicness of administration was the result of transition from "rule administration" to "management administration", its generation took industrial society as historical starting point, democracy and the rule of law as political prerequisite, public life as running security, public interest as mainlogic line, value choice of administrative body as intrinsic motivation. It can be predicted that the conversion of future administration mode necessarily mean the decline of "superficial publicness" and the manifestation of "substantial publicness".Along the historical trajectory and evolution logic of publicness of administration, this dissertation closely linkes to two main lines:"the rise and fall of the public life"and "the evolution of the mode of administration", and consciously explores the construction path of substantial publicness based on the investigation of the superficial publicness in the governance mode of20th century. Through reflecting on modernity, instrumental rationality and "center-periphery"governance structure in management governance mode, and the exploration and grasp of the fit logic between the form and substance of publicness of administration, this dissertation attempts to explore and imagine the return of publicness in administration from three dimensions. Firstly, in the system dimension, by analysing the underlying mechanism in contemporary democracy plight, this dissertation suggests to form the behavior of consensus through consultation, dialogue and cooperation, and take cooperative governance as a new system of form to replace the traditional representative democracy; Secondly, from the organizational dimension, based on the facts that bureaucracy organization produced in industrial society has been very unsuited to uncertainty and complexity of the post-industrial society, this dissertation discovers cooperative organization as a new organization form and explains its publicness and legitimacy exceeding to bureaucracy organization; Thirdly, from the ethical dimension, based on the reflection of ethical relationship status in bureaucracy, this dissertation explores a new type of "ethical spirit" to exceed the superficial publicness of "career awareness" in bureaucracy. In short, the dissertation argues that regression of publicness value can not be obtained through the renovation of existing administration mode, but need a fundamental transformation of the social governance model aiming to construct a system of social cooperation.This dissertation is a basic and macroscopic theory on publicness of administration, and its aims are as follows:on one hand, in theory, by giving descriptive and normative interpretation of connotation of publicness, it conducts more systematic and in-depth theoretical analysis for the study of the subject; On the other hand, in practice, through the grasp of the development context and its evolution logic in publicness of administration, it imagines the vision that how publicness value can be achieved in the field of public administration. Although this dissertation does not give countermeasures to regression of publicness in administration from specific and microscopic level, it does not prevent this dissertation to provide a strategic thinking on the social changes in governance from an administrative philosophical prospective...
Keywords/Search Tags:Public Administration, Publicness, Evolving Logic, RebuildingDimensions, Administrative Value
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