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Study On Coordinated Development Of Urbanization And Cultivated Land Protection In Jianghan Plain

Posted on:2016-12-13Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q Q YeFull Text:PDF
GTID:1319330464973848Subject:Human Geography
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The essence of urbanization is a factor of production flow, which produced by the orderly flow of population, land and capital. The formation of urban and its geographical distribution in space are often decided by population, land and capital these three drivers of urbanization flow. As productivity increased, accompanying the acceleration of economic development and social progress, the flow velocity of the three factors are accelerating, which making the development of urbanization continues to accelerate change and evolution. Statistics show that:the country’s total urban population in 1978-2010,the urban population increased from 173 million to 666 million, an annual increase of 15 million; urbanization level increased from 17.92% to 49.7%, representing an annual growth of 0.99%; city number increased from 190 to 657, with an average annual increase of 15, the number of towns increased from over more than 2000 to 19,400, an average annual increase of 539. While urbanization having a strong impetus to China’s social and economic sustainable development, along with other institutional and policy factors, it has a significant impact on the relationship between urban and rural people. However, the development of urbanization are prominently increasing, at the same time, the dual urban-rural conflict intensified. It caused reduction of cultivated land and urban quality, also the food safety is seriously threatened. How to coordinate the relationship between urban and rural areas, ensuring the protection of cultivated land resources and the sustainable development of urbanization as the current problems to be solved.This paper chooses Jianghan Plain as the research object. Jianghan Plain is the densest populated and the most dynamic economic region in Hubei province. It is also the important hinterlands of Wuhan urban agglomeration development,comparing with the country’s urbanization development, its more than 30 years urbanization development has its own characteristics. In recent years, with the rapid development of high-speed regional economic and social development, particularly the process of urbanization development is accelerating, and it is also increasing the population pressure. Under this situation, Jianghan Plain counties to expand within the city boundaries, reduction of arable land, urbanization develop rapidly, and gradually expand the built-up area, which leading to dwindling cultivated land. The current rapid devotement of urbanization has been a significant change of land use in Jianghan Plain, especially the situation of construction occupation of cultivated land resource is prominently serious. With land contamination becoming a serious problem, contradiction between people and land constantly makes a sharp and profound influence on issues such as the region’s ecological situation, further it will increase the difficulty of cultivated land protection. In this realistic background, this paper does a deep study on coupling relationship between urbanization development and farmland resources, using computer analysis and geospatial analysis of quantitative study on urbanization effect on the change of cultivated land resource in Jianghan Plain over past 30 years, and it also makes a systematic analysis of the drive mechanism. On a county basis, it makes an analysis on spatio-temporal evolution characteristics of urbanization and cultivated land resources respectively, and then builds a gravity model of urbanization and farmland resources. It also conducts some other models, such as degree of urbanization and intensive use of cultivated land of cointegration mode, impulse response function model, the construction coordination degree model of construction land in urban and rural population according to "decoupling" theory. In this paper author uses spatial analysis and spatial statistics and other spatial characteristics of research methods, applying econometrics, mathematical statistics, regression, principal component analysis, cointegration model analysis, Granger causality test methods for the systematic study of the research area’s urbanization and cultivated land resources dynamic timing characters and the causing mechanism of driving force. In the help of ArcGIS, and SPSS2.0 software, it makes systematically study for the spatial and temporal evolution of urbanization and cultivated land, the evolution gravity path of urbanization and cultivated land, spatio-temporal coupling relationship between the urban and rural population and land use change and its evolution mechanism. After that, this paper analyzes the genetic mechanism, harmonious relations and classification of urbanization and cultivated land recourses, building coordination degree model of urbanization and farmland resources in order to calculate further coordination degree between urbanization and cultivated land resource in Jianghan Plain. Taking county as a unit, it makes a classification of he spatial coupling between urbanization and cultivated land resources. Land policy recommendations are put forward differentiated according to the type of division of urban development, in order to find a better solution to the contradiction between the rapid development stage of urbanization and excessive consumption of cultivate land resources. With a view to provide effective supports for the development of new-type urbanization which concluding the process of optimization of land use, optimized allocation of land resources and effective protection for cultivated land.The article is divided into 8 chapters and the main contents are as follows:The first chapter is an introduction. The introduction is divided into two parts, the first part of the study to clarify the background and significance of the study. Then make a review of related articles from at home and abroad based on the studies on connotation of urbanization, the characteristics of development stage of urbanization and the research status of construction of evaluation index system of urbanization, analysis of coordination degree between urbanization and cultivated land protection, and so on. The second part deals with the theoretical basis of the study.The second chapter is the theoretical basis of the study. It conducts the theoretical basis of the study.The third chapter is the research program. The purpose of the research methods are outlined in this chapter, and the technical route of this study are also established. On the basis of economic geography, regional economics, land science, geo-statistics, and other related theories and methods to support the use of quantitative empirical research. In the help of quantitative empirical research, the integrated use of modern computing means such as Geographic Information System (GIS) and remote sensing (RS) and other full use of historical data, statistical yearbooks, remote sensing data and other real resources from the time series stastistics are also embarked on this study. At the same time, this chapter introduces the main contents of this study, including:the research on urbanization development in Jianghan Plain and its driving mechanism; analysis of spatial coordination degree between cultivated land change and urbanization; the space analysis of coupling relationship between urbanization and cultivated land resource in Jianghan Plain from 1995 to 2010. Finally, this study makes an introduction of the general situation and defining the scope of the study area.The fourth chapter is the research status and spatio-temporal evolution of cultivated land resources and urbanization development. Research is divided into five parts:the first part determines the meaning of urbanization. The second part selects the temporal data of Jianghan Plain in 1980, 1985,1990,1995,2000,2005,2010,the 7 annual study of section data. It makes an analysis of the spatio-temporal evolution characteristics of urbanization process of the county area, as well as the spatial differences. The third part is the analysis of the spatial and temporal evolution of urbanization of county land. The data of per urbanization area selects the years in 1995,2000,2005,2010, this section of four years, according to a study conducted every five years to be a time node. The fourth part is the analysis of cultivated land change in Jianghan Plain from 1980 to 2010.In this part, it presents a situation and trend of cultivated land change. The fifth part is the analysis on regional difference of urbanization in Jianghan Plain, using the variation coefficient method to estimate the each annual rate of urbanization by calculating the data of 1980,1985,1990,1995,2000,2005, 2010 in Jianghan Plain. The last part is the summary, this part summarizes the research contents and makes a further in-depth analysis of relationship between the growth rate of original construction and growth rate of cultivated land area in Jianghan Plain.The fifth chapter is the temporal and spatial change of cultivated land resources and urbanization. Study on temporal and spatial changes of cultivated land resources based on the evolution path of center of gravity analysis of cultivated land resources and urbanization.Using gravity models to analyze the displacement of Center of gravity change of total population, urbanization, arable land resources in the year of 1995,2000,2005 and 2010. Meanwhile, it makes a comparison analysis of gravity offset path. Studies shows that judging from the direction of the gravity tracks of urbanization and population has the same evolution tracks. The overall presentation of the center of gravity of urbanization shows that the direction movement moves from southwest to northeast, but the center of gravity of population shows that direction movement moves from west to east, the movement trend is changed to south east. Movement direction trend of the center of gravity of urbanization has the presentation that moves from southwest to northeast, while the center of gravity of direction movement trend of cultivated land has the presentation from east to west, and it changes to south west. In the overall direction of movement, the gravity evolution trajectory and spatial evolution of cultivated land and urbanization showing the opposite trend in Jianghan Plain. Through making the analysis of coordinated timing change of cultivated land resources and urbanization in Jianghan Plain, applying decoupling theory and related models to research the evolution of the spatial pattern of cultivated land resources and urbanization in Jianghan Plain, and researching on the coupling characteristics of population urbanization and land space urbanization and agricultural labor force and the area of cultivated land. According to the spatial coupling characteristics, it makes a combinations of these two coupling relationship and finally obtains space coupling types of urban and rural population and rural and urban land, and then, taking county as a unit, which dividing its coupling type into several partitions. At last of this chapter, taking county as a unit in Jianghan Plain, the spatial coupling types of urban and rural population and rural and urban land can be divided into 12 types. And each type has its own characteristics.The sixth chapter is the analysis of driving forces and causality tests of urbanization development and cultivated land. This chapter contents:the drive mechanism analysis of urbanization development in Jianghan Plain, it mainly contents the systematic research on the process of urbanization and the characteristics of the driving mechanism of urban development. And then, it researches the long-term equilibrium relationship between urban development and intensity of cultivated land utility and fluctuating response effectiveness on Jianghan Plain in lasted 30 years. Studies have shown that:there is a one-way Granger causality reasons, namely to the improvement that the urbanization is the reason for the promotion of intensive use of cultivated land, while the change of cultivated land intensive utilization index is not the Granger cause that changes the rate of urbanization. The results show that:there is a more stable long-term equilibrium relationships between urban development and intensive use of cultivated land in Jianghan Plain. However, interactive coercing them in the short-term and the conduction of urbanization development of intensive utilization of cultivated land will lag 3 terms. And it has a trend of gradually enlarge the situation.The seventh chapter is differentiated land policy suggestion of coordinated development of urbanization and cultivated land protection. This chapter first summarizes the nearly 30 years problems of the coordinated development of urbanization and cultivated land protection in Jianghan Plain. To be guided by the urbanization development theories and other relevant theories, comprehensively grasp the current situation and development trend of cultivated land resources in the process of urbanization in China, meanwhile, based on the conclusions of the fourth chapter and fifth chapter, it proposes a more in-depth and differentiated system of policy recommendations for county area in Jianghan Plain. In order to resolve the contradiction between the development of urbanization and protection of cultivated land resource. It also provides intelligence support, scientific, rational and sustainable policies and reference on decision-making for the harmony coordinated development between scientific urbanization and cultivated land protection.The eighth chapter is conclusions and prospects. This chapter summarizes the main conclusions of the article and its own innovations, combined with the inadequacies of this paper that will have deep study prospects in the further research field.
Keywords/Search Tags:urbanization, cultivated land, coupling relationship, granger causality test, Jianghan Plain
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