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Study On China's International Responsibility From The Perspective Of Constructivism

Posted on:2019-04-23Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z L LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1366330542999607Subject:International politics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
International responsibility is the external obligation of a state in the international community commensurate with its status.As members of the international community,countries,big or small,strong or weak,have certain responsibilities:to abide by and uphold international norms,and to fulfill international obligations.Looking at the history of modern international relations,we can find a basic fact that the leadership of a country must be accompanied by the internal requirements and external needs of its international responsibility.In the process of moving towards the center of the world stage,a country should,on the one hand,take international responsibility as a starting point,and realize its national interests through appropriate international responsibility;on the other hand,it needs to help the International Society through active participation in international affairs,and solve real problems to win respect and recognition.Since the reform and opening up more than 30 years ago,with the sustained and rapid development of the economy,China's national strength and influence have been significantly enhanced,has and ushered in "A great leap from getting up,getting rich to being strong." With the rapid rise of China,the international community is expecting China to take on more international responsibilities." A growing number of countries hope that China will put more effort and contribute more wisdom to solve major problems related to human development and security." As a result,the theory of China's responsibility came out and sprang up.The Theory of China's responsibility reflects the reasonable expectations of the international community for China's rise.At the same time,it also reflects the misgivings and concerns of some countries about China's rise.The United States and other Western countries hope that China will assume the list of responsibilities they have made for China.On the one hand,it hopes to restrain and restrict China through its responsibilities,guide China to integrate into the western-dominated system,and prevent China from following the old path of the rise of Western powers.On the other hand,it tries to "wear down" China by holding it accountable to pay for the costs as a world hegemon,and even tries to make it take on a lot more responsibility than it can afford to.At the same time,as China moves closer to the center of the world stage,the need for responsibility plays a growing role in its overall foreign strategy,including diplomatic strategy,economic strategy and security strategy.China tries to realize the national interests and share international power naturally by taking on international responsibility,so as to enhance China's influence and position in the international community and establish a good international image.From the concept of "responsible power" to the idea of "constructing human destiny community",it shows that China's responsibility consciousness is prominent and China attaches importance to responsibility demand.Especially since the 18th National Congress of the Party,in the face of the expectation of the world towards China,China has abandoned the Cold War thinking of "zero-sum game",put forward and constantly enriched the idea of building a "community of human destiny".It not only embodies China's attitude of responsibility in international affairs,but also demonstrates China's commitment to the destiny of mankind.As a responsible power,China needs to translate its vision of "building a community of human destiny" into pragmatic actions.With the rise of China and the establishment of its status as a great power,what kind of role and international responsibility China plays in the international system is receiving universal attention.To fulfill international responsibility is not only the external demand of the international community to a rising China,but also the internal demand of China's own development.International responsibility is like a "double-edged sword".If it is not handled properly,it will fall into the trap of the carefully designed "Chinese responsibility theory" in western countries.If it is handled properly,it will help to improve China's international image and allay international concerns about the possible threat to its rise as an important means of achieving national interests.The issue of international responsibility has increasingly become an important topic in China's diplomatic strategy.Under these circumstances,China began to look at the issue of international responsibility from the perspective of its national strategy,not only making a series of strategic arrangements at the macro level,but also putting forward concrete measures at the micro level.At the same time,the academic community has also increased its research on China's international responsibility issues,and a number of high-level research results have emerged.But most scholars focus on the analysis of the current situation,contents and categories of China's international responsibility,principles and other specific issues.And a large number of studies focus on the criticism and evaluation of "China's theory of responsibility".Few have studied China's international responsibility from the macro-view and the macro-historical perspective.In other words,there is a lack of historical investigation,comparative analysis and strategic research on China's international responsibility problems.As a rising power in the middle of the world stage,China should first answer the following questions:in the different historical periods since the founding of New China,what is the concrete performance of China's international responsibility?What kind of dominant logic does it follow?What historical experience has been accumulated in the historical process of assuming international responsibility?What challenges does China face in assuming international responsibilities?What should China do in the future to assume international responsibilities?Based on the theoretical perspective of constructivism,this paper uses the identity theory of constructivism,adopts the diachronic dimension of research,takes the interaction between China and the international community as the main line,and follows the leading logic of national identity to construct international responsibility.The above-mentioned quetions are studied.The basic content of this paper is designed in five parts except the introduction.The first part,from the perspective of constructivism,analyzes the relationship between national identity and international responsibility,holding that the national identity constructs international responsibility,sets up the main variables for the full text and builds the basic theoretical framework of the thesis.The second to fourth parts,taking the interactive relationship between China and the international community as the main line of study.This paper examines the changes in China's national identity in the three periods,which are before the reform and opening up,after the reform and opening up,the new century,and the corresponding changes in the view of international responsibility and the behavior of international responsibility.In each historical period,typical cases are selected for empirical analysis.The fifth part,based on the theoretical research,historical investigation and case analysis of China's international responsibility,expounds the historical experience accumulated by China in assuming international responsibility,the main challenges it faces and how to act in the future.Based on the theoretical analysis and historical experience of international responsibility,this paper mainly expounds and demonstrates the following viewpoints:Firstly,the concept constructs identity,and identity itself implies the assumption of material factors.This paper synthesizes the identity theory of "moderate constructivism"represented by Alexander Wendt and "domestic constructivism" represented by Iain Johnston,and sets up the identity research model of structure-unit model.It is believed that both the cultural structure of the international system at the system level and the national strategic culture at the unit level play a constructive role in the formation of national identity.Moreover,it is believed that the concept of identity construction is not produced out of thin air.The change of material strength is usually the forerunner of the change of concept,and the change of material factor often constitutes the precondition for the function of the concept factor.Therefore,the variable of identity itself contains the assumption of material power.Secondly,there is two-way interaction between national identity and international responsibility.National identity defines international responsibility,and the act of state bearing international responsibility in turn has a certain influence on the shaping of national identity.The relationship between national identity and international responsibility is not a simple causal relationship,but a constructive,or constitutive one.Thirdly,the change of China's international responsibility concept follows the leading logic of the international responsibility of national identity construction.Before the reform and opening up,China,as the "challenger of the international system",shouldered the international responsibility of "supporting all oppressed peoples and oppressed nations for freedom and liberation",opposing hegemony and promoting the world revolution.After the reform and opening-up,China,as the "participant of the international system",insisted on economic construction as the center,shouldered the international responsibility to strengthen its own development and stability,opposed hegemony and power politics and established a new international political and economic order.Since the new century,as a "defender,builder and contributor of the international system," China has begun to emphasize being a "responsible power" and advocate the idea of building a "community of human destiny".While continuing to develop itself,China has made great contributions to world peace and development,and has demonstrated its responsible attitude.Fourthly,China faces many real challenges in shouldering international responsibilities.The theory of China threat,the theory of China's responsibility,the confusion of multiple identities,the complexity of its own national conditions,the lack of institutional innovation and the lack of construction capacity all bring constraints to China's undertaking of international responsibilities,thus affecting China's ability to play its part on the international stage.Fifthly,China should properly deal with various challenges and actively undertake international responsibilities commensurate with identity.China needs to calmly deal with the theories of "China threat"theory,"China's responsibility" theory,"neo-colonialism" and "sharp power",continue to act actively,constantly develop its own strength in order to better assume international responsibility,and constantly contribute China's wisdom and program to world peace and development.
Keywords/Search Tags:constructivism, national identity, international responsibility, system culture, strategic culture
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