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Multinational Corporations And National Interests Under The Background Of Economic Globalization

Posted on:2021-01-27Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:T H LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:1366330623967034Subject:International politics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Against economic globalization,this thesis,taking the home state,the host state and multinational corporations(hereinafter referred to as MNCs)as the main research object,intends to delve into the mutual collaborations and constraints among the parties.At present,MNCs have become the major actors in today’s political arena,and have been playing an increasingly important role in the study of international political economy.This thesis will discuss the role and impact of MNCs in transnational investments and businesses,and when they participate in international economic affairs.In different organizational forms,MNCs and sovereign states have respective needs and interests.MNCs are the core actors in promoting economic globalization,and their fundamental goal is to obtain economic benefits.Therefore,the in-depth development of economic globalization is highly consistent with the interests of MNCs.The expansion of the market allows MNCs to share more options and bargaining advantages,helps them achieve economies of scale and build extensive production and sales networks.The national interests pursued by states,however,are more extensive,and their relationship with economic globalization more complicated.The development of economic globalization leads to the overlapping interests among states.Therefore,the national interests are no longer utterly exclusive and should be considered on the international level.While during the process of economic globalization,states are not always profitable.Due to the existence of the Trilemma of Global Economy,there is an inherent contradiction between national interests and highly-developed economic globalization.To be specific,the relationship between MNCs,home state and host state is characterized by the coexistence of conflicts and cooperation.MNCs are important engines for the economic and strength development of home states.With the progress of economic globalization,the business activities of MNCs,however,become no longer fully in line with the interests of home states.There are also conflicts and overlapping areas between NMCs and host states.To safeguard their respective national interests and avoid adverse impacts,home states and host states will,based on the needs,formulate corresponding policies to guide and regulate MNCs’ investments and businesses.In contrast,MNCs intends to acquire as much “freedom” as possible and minimize the hindrance brought about by state regulations.On one hand,MNCs are promoting the formation and development of the global industrial chain,and have made important contributions to international trades.On the other,the capital flows and trade imbalance caused by NMCs will lead to economic and trade frictions among states.Sometimes,behind the frictions,are there deeper political reasons besides economic ones,such as great power competitions.In this contradictory relationship between the home state and the host state,MNCs are both important influence factor and affected party.Through applying the research method of game theory,this thesis analyzes the possibilities of inter-state cooperation.As a belt connecting home state and host state,MNCs are also playing as initiative subjects to reconcile the contradictions among states.Thanks to their strong economic strengths and resource allocation capabilities,MNCs influence in domestic and international economic affairs continues to grow,and even the states are forced to transfer some economic power to them.This thesis contends that,in the foreseeable future,however the strengths of MNCs and their influence on international economic issues will be further enhanced,sovereign states will not transfer the economic power to MNCs.At the same time,MNCs cannot completely replace states in international economic issues.To reduce such impacts as inter-national politics,the “detachment” of MNCs from home states may become a new trend.While the competitions of interests between MNCs and states will continue,both sides should pay more attention to the benefits and concerns of different groups.MNCs should do the best to coordinate the conflicts and developments between home states and host states,domestic and international markets,and take into account the balanced development of society when pursuing their own economic benefits.While sovereign states should spur the economic development through cooperation,avoid abusing state power to intervene in the market,and ensure the realization of long-term national interests from a strategic perspective.
Keywords/Search Tags:MNCs, national interests, economic globalization, cooperative game
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