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Consumer alienation by brands: Examining the roles of powerlessness and relationship types

Posted on:2009-01-18Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of Manitoba (Canada)Candidate:Krishnan, PreetiFull Text:PDF
GTID:1445390005952190Subject:Business Administration
This research examines the construct of alienation within the domain of consumer-brand relationships. The specific aspect of powerlessness within this construct---i.e., felt helplessness---is investigated. The central propositions tested within three sets of laboratory experiments centre on finding a greater sense of exclusion amongst those that feel powerless in influencing brand decisions. The impacts on consumer attitudes, behavioral intentions, and relationship transformation are studied. This research demonstrates that as perceived power of consumer declines, magnitude of alienation increases, along with other negative consequences for the brand, including relationship transformation of consumers from communal to exchange. The research also explores how positive treatment meted out to consumers as well as an offer of apology by the service provider could help reduce some of the fallouts of alienation while helping build stronger consumer-brand ties.
Keywords/Search Tags:Alienation, Consumer, Relationship
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