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A psychosocial profile of in -service foreign language teachers: A mixed methods approach to investigating foreign language teachers' attributes and sociocultural perspectives

Posted on:2007-11-27Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of WyomingCandidate:Swanson, PeterFull Text:PDF
Currently there is a shortage of FL teachers worldwide and up to 60% of new teachers leave the profession within the first three years. This innovative dissertation study developed a psychological and social profile of rural foreign language (FL) teachers to help retain rural FL educators. A mixed methods approach was used to study rural FL teachers (N=80). Two quantitative instruments were used: (1) the Self-Directed Search Survey and (2) the Ohio State Teacher Efficacy Scale. Additionally, five focus groups were formed to investigate FL teacher socialization and issues facing FL educators. Results portray FL educators as Social, Artistic, and Enterprising. New psychological profiles were established for gender, ethnicity, FL taught, time in teaching, and degree obtained. Furthermore, this sample tends to be 'quite' efficacious (feeling of being able to effect change in their classrooms). Results depict changes in efficacy were found for time in teaching. The focus groups helped to establish patterns in FL teacher socialization patterns. This study holds serious implications for preservice FL teachers, school administrators, and colleges of education. Further research should encompass urban FL teachers, longitudinal studies of teacher efficacy, and FL teacher recruitment.
Keywords/Search Tags:Teachers, Foreign language, FL educators
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