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A critical analysis of the rhetoric of education reform in the United States

Posted on:2017-10-07Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The University of Texas at El PasoCandidate:Salome, Melanie RebeccaFull Text:PDF
This dissertation is grounded in research that examines the current education reform policy in the United States through a lens of rhetorical analysis, specifically Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA). The implication in this study underscores the significance of language and power and how these social constructs synergistically shape changes in policy within society. Specifically, this critical analysis deconstructs the use of language through speech acts and uncovers the reproduction of hegemony by exposing how segments of student populations are marginalized. Exploration conducted within this context explicates the historical significance of reform policy rhetoric, along with a scrutiny of rhetoric from current policy makers in the latest education reform implementation known as Common Core.
Keywords/Search Tags:Education reform, Policy, United states, Rhetoric, Critical analysis
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