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Sustainability of agriculture in the Al-Qassim region, Saudi Arabia

Posted on:2008-11-30Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of ArkansasCandidate:Al-Hedhaif, MohammadFull Text:PDF
Al-Qassim is one of the most important agricultural regions in Saudi Arabia, and depends on groundwater for irrigation, domestic and industrial uses. The water table has fallen in many parts of Al-Qassim. The agricultural sector in Saudi Arabia, and in the Al-Qassim region in particular, has developed rapidly during the last three decades due ostensibly to government support.; The aim of this study is to determine the economic sustainability of the current agricultural economy, and develop a linear programming model for decision-making to the Al-Qassim Region of Saudi Arabia.; A questionnaire was developed and given to the farmers in the Al-Qassim region. Three representative farms were selected based on cropped areas. The size ranges of the representative farms are 0 to 20 hectares for small group, 21 to 80 for medium group, and 81 or more for large group.; Regarding the ANOVA test results related to the farmers' experience, eight statements do not have statistically significant differences and five statements with statistically significant differences by experience. The optimal solution of linear programming model indicated that the best crops for large and medium farmers are wheat and fodder, and dates for the small farms. Appling the results of the three models and the recommendations, farmers in the Al-Qassim Region can increase their income. Using linear programming model not only save water, but also increase water value which can help to sustain the agriculture sector.
Keywords/Search Tags:Saudi arabia, Al-qassim, Linear programming model, Water
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